Mum and dad are watch dogs. They gave birth to 7 puppies 2 mths ago. HOPE is litter/toilet trained and understands simple instructions ie..sit, come, bed, sleep, no, enough. HOPE is a very smart & active/playful pup as she was easily trained with absolutely no hitting! I am against hitting puppies/dogs nor punishing them. I believed these dogs are very bright since they learned so quickly. HOPE enjoys running about to release her energy before she goes to sleep. Each time she wants to pee or poo, she will walk to the toilet where her litter tray is. Whoever that is interested to adopt her/him/them.. please bear in mind that they are not toy poodle nor shihtzu size cos they are proper watch dogs when they grow up. HOPE and YODA are currently at a teething stage and very active puppies. A landed property will be suitable for HOPE & her brother YODA. If you are expecting a dog that doesn't bark and sleep all day long then HOPE and YODA are not suitable for you. They are both happy go lucky puppies. Oh btw, they are real runner too and love running along when you jog.
p/s: HOPE has a brother called YODA (viewable in Petfinder too). I would really appreciate if both bro and sis can go to the same home. I dont' have the hard to split them up. You will understand if you see them both. They really look after each other and need their walkies once a day at least.
If you have noticed my ad here for sometime..thats because the first student who adopted HOPE and YODA returned them to me saying she can't cope with two pups.
=This is an UPDATED page. The adopter who adopted HOPE has lost her during CNY on the 8th Feb. Her last seen address is at Sri Kembangan
Mum and dad are watch dogs. They gave birth to 7 puppies 2 mths ago. HOPE is litter/toilet trained and understands simple instructions ie..sit, come, bed, sleep, no, enough. HOPE is a very smart & active/playful pup as she was easily trained with absolutely no hitting! I am against hitting puppies/dogs nor punishing them. I believed these dogs are very bright since they learned so quickly. HOPE enjoys running about to release her energy before she goes to sleep. Each time she wants to pee or poo, she will walk to the toilet where her litter tray is. Whoever that is interested to adopt her/him/them.. please bear in mind that they are not toy poodle nor shihtzu size cos they are proper watch dogs when they grow up. HOPE and YODA are currently at a teething stage and very active puppies. A landed property will be suitable for HOPE & her brother YODA. If you are expecting a dog that doesn't bark and sleep all day long then HOPE and YODA are not suitable for you. They are both h…
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