I first met this little girl when I went out to buy groceries. She was eating some leftovers near a food court with an adult cat which I thought was her mother. I stopped for a moment to give her a pet and continued on to the sundry store.
A couple of hours after I got home from my shopping, I heard a soft mewing coming from outside my house. I went to investigate and there she was, sitting at my doorstep. The clever little girl had followed me home! So I took her in, cleaned her up and fed her.
I already have multiple cats of my own so I can't afford to keep her. I hope someone out there will give her a good home.
Fact Sheet
* Quiet and docile
* Loves to be petted and cuddled
* Total lap-cat. Loves sitting on laps and being held by people.
* Already knows how to use the litter box.
* Eats kibbles or canned cat food.