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Febee came to my doorstep when he was about 4 weeks old, with an injured leg. I brought him to the vet and decided to keep him on the spot. The vetenarian told me it was a "she". So i named him Febee. After 4 months.... i noticed that he started to grew bigger and there's just so many obvious spots that shows it is a "HE". Well, life goes on, He's still very playful as ever not knowing why i brought him to the vet and get spayed. He has all the freedom to roam around the house in and out, but at night i'll keep him safe in the cage just in case he starts roaming on the roof.Febee is 4 years old now, I'm moving to New Zealand soon, i'm trying to find a home, a cat lover owner where i can count on, to give Febee another warmth and adventurous journey in life to share with.