I has lost my dog on month of April 2012 at Cheras Batu 9,he ran out from the house this afternoon not more than 10 minutes!I'm sure is somebody took him off.....He is friendly and clever boy,he looks cute with small size of shih tzu!! i had post his photo at my housing area but nobody return back to me!!!Plaese............every one to give a help to find him back to me cause he is part of my family member,until now we still keep looking him and never give up!!We still waiting him go back home....Whoever see my post and his photo please contact and return back to me,cause he is very important to me!!Please give a help,i will appreciate you....thank you
Mobile Number:012//012 (Maria)
Have anyone see him????
He was lost for 2years but i'm still looking for him and never give up.PLease give a help....