The last blackie girl has gone too...
All of them could not survived...
Another orange girl has gone too... Now only left the blackie girl.
2 little kitties were brought to vet, get some antibiotic, but vet said they were too weak, not much hope...
1 of the blind kittens, the orange boy has gone to heaven...
3 blind kittens need help...
Please pray for them.
They were rescued by Joey from country Homes, Rawang.
They have no mother with them when they were found.
All these 3 kitties were in dirty condition with some glue-like thing stick on their eyes, nose & mouth.
All the eyes of the kittens got infection and could not open.
After we bathed them and cleaned their eyes, we found that they were all blind.
Poor little kitties, they were only about 2 weeks old...
However, they have strong character that they keep meowing loudly, calling for their mother for the first few days.
We feed them milk by bottle, but they seem not really want to drink.
They are getting weaker & weaker now due to not enough nutrition.
They have serious flu too and they hardly breath.
We gave flu medicine and eye drops, hoping to improve their condition.
We believe we have done all we could, but we don't think they can make it because they are too weak.
We wish all the cat lovers could pray for them.
Hopefully God will show us miracle...
Anyone have better idea or solution, please call.