This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Huey is a very tame and friendly dog. He loves to walk, run and play with others easily like normal dog. He's looking for people who love him very much.
Huey was rescued from Selayang market dragging its left fore limb. The wound in contact with the ground is forever raw & need s to be clean daily.Furthermore, the paw has stiffened with no flexibility.we have been advise to amputate for easier management & ease of movememnt for him
EVery dog treats him as equal not ostracised in a normal animal world for he is handicaspped. In fact he is pretty high in our community ranking. he haS NO CHIP ON HIS SHOULDER & functions as normal.
Should he has a home, Huey's place will give 3 to 4 other abandoned dogs a chance to be save & rehome.We hope some kind soul can give him love and a home.This charitable act will save 4 others in a year. Huey has been with us for 3 years. Yes, he has a home here with 30 -40 others.Wouldn't it be wonderful if he has love all for himself without fighting for it with 30 -40 others. And 12 more other dogs would have a second chance too and more to come if his place is vacant. Thank you.
Huey was rescued from Selayang market dragging its left fore limb. The wound in contact with the ground is forever raw & need s to be clean daily.Furthermore, the paw has stiffened with no flexibility.we have been advise to amputate for e… show more