saya sudi ambil die dan bercadang nk mandulkan die bagi mengelakan bertambah kucing jalanan...tapi saye x de transport. saye duduk dekat putrajaya....hu3
Ni kucing saya Rainbow yang di adopt oleh Amy kan? Kenapa nak bagi dia untuk adoption? Kalo tak nak dia bagi balik dia.
Tolong jangan menipu, kucing nie di jumpa oleh kawan saya dan dia minta saya tolong carikan adopter untuk dia dalam FB. Awak yang datang ke rumah saya untuk ambil dia.
Sekarang saya nak dia balik. Saya akan refund adoption fee of RM30.00 back to you.
waaa...cantik kucing ni tp asl nk ksik adopt klu u dh adopt sndrik dri sis Felix.xbaek lol...klu u dh xnk bela ksik la blik kt sis Felix tuh.dri awk xde dpt pape ngan owg laen,ngan sis Felix awk bley dpt RM30.bley uat g karok ke mkan KFC or McD.dpt gk mkan McFlurry.hape la...
Memang tengah sakit hati sangat Eriena. Boleh dia buat cerita yang dia jumpa Rainbow kat 7Eleven dan sebab kesian kat Rainbow sebab di buli oleh budak budak dia ambil. Wei... cerita dongeng mana nie?
Terang terang Rainbow di jumpa oleh Nor Azwana kawan saya dan dia beri amanah kepada saya untuk mencarikan adopter yang IKHLAS NAK JAGA KEBAJIKAN KUCING NIE. Malangnya saya TERTIPU dengan kata kata manis MINAH nie masa dia nak adopt Rainbow. Eeeee geramnya.
AMY NORDIN, saya nak Rainbow balik. Saya tak kira awak dah berubah fikiran dan mohon ampun kat saya. Saya nak dia balik juga. Rainbow tak SELAMAT dengan AWAK. Jelas betul awak bukan PENCINTA KUCING.
If you really are unable to care for Puteh anymore, then the most ethical @ compassionate thing you can do would be to return Puteh to her original rescuer @ FelixTheCat.
Plus Felix is willing to refund the adoption fee, I think you've got a fair situation going here. It is TOO painful for rescuers to have to "lose" their rescues half-way, from one adopter to the next...we're always seeking permanent homes/families.
You don't want to cause ANYONE that kinds of pain, trust me...Felix does a good job re-homing cats and Puteh will be in good hands again for sure. Do consider. :)
umm mybe amy unable to take care of rainbow, thats why dia cri adopters lain, mungkin di fikir felix pun bg peluang kat org lain utk jaga, n felix pun cari adopters utk jage rainbow, , but think profesional, I think ape y amy buat ni x salah selagi rainbow selamat, daripada dia buang kat jalanan, lagi teruk kan. at least kita tahu rainbow still there .
Hurmm ade betulnye jugak tapi saya rase Felix marah sebab AMY buat cite tipu..tu je. saye pun sempat bace description yg Amy tulis sebelum die delete. Mungkin itu yg buat felix marah.
Thank you all for your concerns as Rainbow is now safely home with me. Healthy except having red eyes but will be treated at UPM tomorrow.
BabyBooLover, what you have said is true however my agreement with her was that if she could not care for the cat she was to return Rainbow to me. Infact she only adopted Rainbow rwo weeks ago from me.
If she could not care for the cat why take it in the first olace and then give it up for adoption. Some more she made up a story about rescuing this cat when clearly my friend was the one who found Rainbow.
Anyway the drama has ended and my main concernednis that Rainbow is safe with me. Rainbow will stay with me for a while before being opened up for adoption again.
hi, felix. ny name is lina.. actually, I interested to adopt Puteh a.k.a Rainbow. I tak sangka pulak ada cerita disebaliknya. Anyway, I cuma berminat nak adopt your Rainbow. For your info I ni cat lover and I ada 2 ekor kucing kat rumah. I nak tambah lagi sebab anak2 I pun cats lover gak. If you don't mind can I adopt her. She is so cute. If you ok, kindly contact me at.