We bought him at the fish shop! A bit boney but friendly. I never thought he will grow up to 7kg at the age of 1 year old. I dont know what breed he is. A pet lover once told me he is a bit turkish angora mix due to his long slender body and a bit dominant character. Definitely he is Domestic Semi Long Hair type. :)I feel lucky to have him.
Hi.. makin kembang la Musyang hahaha!.. Last nite for the 1st time, me n hubby let visitors to view our cats around our house (slps berpuluh org nak dtg kami declined hehe). Ada yg kejar Betty, ada yg urut Daisy, ada yg carik Jerry, and as predicted, bila nmpk Musyang, they stopped and stared, nk pegang tak berani. Yg selalu Gee observe, mata Musyang kalau renung org mcm berkaca. Dont know why. This guy yg ngaku ada byk pengalaman dgn kucing kata Musyang ada ciri2 Maine Coon.. Hmm.. but sorry guys, he is neutered hehe.. tak dak harapan cari baka.. huhu
SO musyang masuk tak competition tu? kak gee i need advice to take care of Eskimo after hernia surgery. I put on forum if u want to have a look. Eskimo benci gila duduk dalam cage. haishhh
tak.. ekceli bab2 contest ni sis fobia hehe.. tak suka dgn perasaan 'darah gemuruh' huhu.. apa tah lg kucing2 sis tu.. sebatu dia lari!
Eskimo dah neuter! tahniah!.. sure pas ni dia lg manja :) hernia surgery? emm so far my cats haven't go thru any major operations, jd sis tak tau sgt psl ni.. will go thru the forum shortly..