Although my family and I are sad that he is not part of our family anymore,we are happy that with God's grace, he has found a new cosy and loving HOME.
i believe dog learn and understand fast. Just be patient and give Jefry more time. Poor boy if u let go him, he will be sad and lost.....god bless just like my Shih Zhu after good company with my Pug
Thank you for your comment. It has become severe that we have separated them( avoid contact). Both has dominating character. it started since he was 1 years old, its escalated too much that we took such a decision.
Hi, Helena -- you might find that the aggressive behaviours would stop if you neutered your two dogs. It would not decrease their protectiveness, their effectiveness as guards, but it would put a stop to the dominance fights. Just a thought...
Both male dogs, fighting for territory _ this isn't surprising. If you are not a strong leader, they will continue fighting for dominance. Neutering them will help lessen the aggression. And if you provide leadership, both will be able to get along.
just like my Shih Zhu after good company with my Pug