CFA registered Persian Color Point Carrier kitten for sale
(Kitten was originally reserved with deposit, but buyer did not have the money to pay the balance so kitten is available for sale again.)
Gender: Male / Jantina: Jantan
Age: 4 months / Umur: 4 bulan
Colour: Black Smoke
Kitten is 100% healthy, playful and affectionate. Litter trained. 1st Vaccine done and dewormed.
Kucing sihat, suka bermain dan manja. Litter train. 1st vaksin dan dewormed.
Sire: CFA Imported (Russia) Blue Point Himalayan-Persian
Dam: CFA Tortoiseshell Persian
Kitten is registered with CFA cert / Kucing ini berdaftar dengan CFA.
Price with CFA cert RM2000 / Harga dengan CFA sijil: Rm2000
*Can accept credit card payments through PAYPAL*
*Boleh menerima pembayaran kad kredit melalui PAYPAL*
Location / Lokasi : Penang
Free delivery to Ipoh and KL can be arranged.
Boleh menghantar ke Ipoh dan KL untuk percuma.
Lovers of Persian and Himalayan cats, please call/sms/Whatsapp Sunshine:for more information!
Pencinta kucing persian dan himalayan berminat boleh hubungi saya/sms/Whatsapp Sunshine.