++++ Update 13/09/2012 ++++
Little Dawn here needs an adopter or fosterer immediately. I'll be moving away from KL at the end of the month and unfortunately I can't take her with me. I've been trying to find her a new home for the past 4 months and time is running out :(
I hope some kind soul will be willing to give her a new home. If you are willing to foster her until she gets adopted into a permanent home, I'll be happy to help cover her expenses.
Dawn was born on March 1st 2012, the second of four siblings. She was a very shy girl but has grown into a very active young lady in the past few months. She loves it when you shower her with attention, especially when you pet or cuddle her and she's very vocal when she demands affection.
Her favorite game is chasing a piece of string or ribbon and she will bristle with excitement when you play this game with her. She has her own little kitty language and will not hesitate to tell you when she wants or needs something.
Give this little girl a new home and you will have a loving companion for life.
Fact Sheet
* Already trained to use a litter box
* Weaned from her mother and capable of eating solid food (kibbles or canned food)
* Already vaccinated and dewormed
Criteria for Adopter
* Must keep her indoors
* Must have access to a veterinarian (would be adopters are advised to locate the nearest vet before adopting)
* Must promise to follow up on her vaccinations
* Must promise to spay her
* Experience caring for cats is preferable. If not, new owner must be willing to learn
* Must provide her with lots of love and affection