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Lost in Petaling Jaya
Lexi, 3 Yrs

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Uno, 4 Yrs

   « Back To Listing Creamie
Creamie - Spitz Mix Dog
In Heaven
DogSpitz Mix
ProfileFemale, 4 Years
SpayedNot Sure
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted19 Dec 2008 (Updated 15 Mar 2023)
Creamie is a 4 year old female, medium-sized (20kg) mixed breed dog; she is very playful, energetic & friendly (doesn't bite). Creamie is also MBPJ licensed, but she is not wearing her MBPJ license tag (found outside my house) when she went missing. We usually allow her to sit inside the house, by the front door & if you opened a car door, she would jump in (she's not shy & enjoys car rides).

Arjun & Creamie have been missing for >1 week and were last seen on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2008 @ 2PM around JALAN SS1/11, PETALING JAYA (nearby SRK Kampung Tunku primary school, 7-Eleven convenience store & Post Office). It's likely that someone might have seen them running in the rain/thunderstorm last Wednesday (the day before the public holiday/Sultan's birthday) & may be sheltering them.

We haven't given up the search & we're hoping that someone might have seen them around SS1, Petaling Jaya or the surrounding areas (SS3, Kelana Jaya, Sungei Way, Jalan 222, Taman Aman, Taman Paramount, SS2 etc.).
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Arjun & Creamie
Arjun & Creamie

Poppie, Creamie & Arjun
Poppie, Creamie & Arjun



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In Heaven
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In Heaven

Share your comments here7 Comments
lynielime   Dec 22nd 2008 at 10:16AM
hi ramin, have you checked the dog pounds? good luck!!
check out this link http://www.mvfra.org/dog_pch2.htm
its from the malaysian fire and rescue volunteers website. a list of contacts to try when pet dogs go missing.
icelads   Dec 22nd 2008 at 6:09PM
Hi Ramin,
Please check it out here >>>
they look similar in some how..
Ramin   Dec 22nd 2008 at 9:59PM
icelads, thanks for the effort - I checked the post that you mentioned (below) but that dog is a male & Creamie is a female - that's not our dog unfortunately...

lynielime, I've visited (& continue to visit almost daily) the local dog pounds (i.e. PAWS in Subang, SPCA in Ampang, DBKL dog pound in Setapak, MPSJ dog pound in Puchong) - no luck as yet.

So, the search continues I'm afraid. :( Thank you friends for looking out for these pets.
icelads   Dec 23rd 2008 at 3:02PM
No mention, just a few clicks and send only.that's all i can do to help..., please don't give up....
Ramin   Jan 14th 2009 at 2:24PM
We received a phone call on Sunday, January 11, 2009 afternoon from a wonderful family living in Damansara Jaya (near KDU), who informed us that they had been sheltering Creamie since Sunday, December 14th, 2008. We dropped everything and immediately drove over to their house to be pleasantly surprised, relieved and reunited with our dog Creamie! :)

The kind family noticed our poster outside a nursery & landscape business in SS1 & SEA Park and promptly contacted us. They took great care of Creamie and she had even put on weight since the last time we saw her! :) We really wanted to reward them but they declined our reward! We are still going to present them with a happy surprise before CNY.

As for Creamie, during those 4 days since December 10th, she had crossed over the LDP highway and trotted >4km away from SS1 to SS23 Damansara Jaya! She eventually made her way to the doorstep of this kind family who took care of her.

As for Arjun, we're wondering at which point our dogs separated. We're searching the Damansara Jaya area as well as Taman Megah, Taman Bahagia, SEA Park & SS2 areas for Arjun.

This is where we need your help my friends - please look out for him and immediately contact us if you spot him. Do not chase a dog or it will panic, run away & hide from strangers. There is a definite reward for information leading to Arjun's return.
smfan   Jan 15th 2009 at 11:50AM
I am so happy for You!!Arjun will be back soon dont worry. I will pray for you

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