Adopter/fosterer diperlukan untuk 2 ekor kitten dan mama mereke sekali. Mama cat is a stray cat yang selalu datang ke rumah saya untuk meminta makanan. Baru-baru ni she gave birth to 2 kittens kat rumah jiran saya yang tak suka kat kucing. I managed to pujuk him not to throw away the kittens as they're still small (he's not a cat lover). Semalam, saya find out yang the mama cat bawak anak2 dia berpundah randah pergi ke rumah jiran saya yang lain pulak, this time under a shoe cabinet. Now this neighbour of mine really hates cats. He's gone balik kampung until this Friday, just before he left he told me that if the kittens & mama cat are still there when he comes back then he will throw them away at the nearby pasar :(
The mama cat is about a year old I think, and the kittens are about 1 month old, so they're still menyusu so if possible have to adopt them with the mama cat sekali. If not, saya prefer kalau adopt kedua2 kitten tu sekali kerana mereka sangat rapat.
You can have a look at all of their photos here:'s a video here too: is free, saya boleh hantar mereka ke mana2 sahaja lokasi di sekitar KL & Lembah Klang.