7 lovely puppies given birth by my dog are up for adoption. wud very much love to keep them if we cud but we already got 2 dogs at home... =( hence we are seeking for kind, loving and caring dog lovers who wud luv to hav dogs they call their own to watch and grow together wif them, to love them, to go home to them, to nurture them into grownup healthy adult dogs who will protect you, your family and your house, to be ur companion through ups and downs, to bring more joy and laughter to your home, to provide a good environment full of luv and care to these darling puppies. if uve nv had dogs b4, pls tink it thru 1st b4 u make the dcision to adopt them as this decision will stick for the next 10 - 20 years. pls treat these puppies as tho they are your children, nv ever even thot of abandoning/abusing/neglecting them regardless of the circumstances. we are very grateful to the future loving parents of our beloved puppies for providing them with a good and caring environment to raise and keep these baby puppies, as we are utterly upset for not being able to keep any of them. We hope to still keep in touch with you guys and be updated on the wellbeing of these angels once in a while, through this site or any other means =)
Hi, Emilee, please do consider spaying/neutering your pets! You say you can't care for 7 puppies, and you can surely see that there are thousands of homeless puppies and dogs suffering on the streets and being euthanised in shelters. There are simply too many dogs, not enough homes. :-(
already enquired abt spaying my dogs but vet advised to do it later not too soon after birth. i refuse to send my puppies to spca regardless - no way wil i let them b simply euthanised w/o a very valid reason!!
Sorry to say that you are actually contributing to over population of dogs and stray problem. How are u going to make sure that non of your adopter will abandoned your pups? They might also never spay them and dump the puppies of your puppy when your pup are able to give birth in 6 months time.
hi adeline, i noticed that uve been kindly rescuing dogs and arranging them for adoptions. pls share wif me how u ascertain that none of those adopters wil nv abandon those dogs? appreciate input and tips fr such an experienced person like urself. as for us, we screen thru the potential adopters by asking them questions before we offer them to go over to take a look at our pups. imho, we are already doin the best we can but we dun tink there is any way to be absolutely sure. unless u regularly monitor ur adopters? even so, how do u do that? i stil keep in touch wif the adopters and so far they hav been sending me the pups' photos once in awhile but i do understand that they r bz wif their own lives too hence constant communication may be tough. Moreover, we are all working adults/schooling teenager who do not hav the freedom n luxury of time. hope u can appreciate that not everyone is privileged enuf to b a hsewife wif alot of flexibility as for whether will they spay the puppies, that is their prerogative as i fully acknowledge that there are 2 opp skool of thots on this matter, 1 tinking that spaying them is in the best int of the entire community while the other one opines that it is cruel to do so, denying them of their natural rights. we were more of the latter but after goin thru this having to giv up our beloved pups for adoption which absolutely breaks our hearts, we r now pretty inclined to spay our dogs. notwithstanding, we stil reckon that this is a very personal choice for everyone has their own views and beliefs that they advocate hence it wudnt be fair for us to impose anythg on them. as the pups' new owner, they are free to do anythg which they feel is in the best int of the pups, so long as they luv them alot and care well for them. this is all we ask for
Emilee, 1. Why create something which you can not take care of? This is not a game where you can try and see how it works. You allowed your dogs to have 7 babies and now you are looking for someone to adopt them 2. For every kind soul who adopted your puppies (7 of them), you are depriving the chance other unfortunate puppies from being adopted 3. 2 skool of tots? Can dog perform safe sex? If not, there is no 2 skools of tots. You must try to understand how unfortunate these abandon dogs are. Not to mention those rescuers' effort to save them. If you believe in "cruel to do so, denying them of their natural rights", please take responsibility of your action 4. how to prevent ppl from abandoning your puppies. How do you define abandon? Are you abandoning your puppies now? 5. as someone has pointed out, how do you ensure your mistake (not spaying/neuter) will not be continue? By collecting a small amount from adopted does not ensure anything. Would you consider to spay / neuter them before releasing your puppies? This way, you will be 100% sure your mistake ends here
Having pointed out the above four points, please do not be offended. I am sure these are some of the frustration rescuers are facing (ppl dont neuter / spay their pets). If you have spoken to some of the rescuers, they are not housewife as you may have thought. Many of them are full time working and using their spare time to rescue pets in the name of LOVE.
Lastly, if you really love your pets and the puppy. Please, please spay and neuter them before releasing them. Take responsibility of what you have done.
hi etmeng, they have all been adopted - hope u find ur perfect pup soon! =)
yctan, 1. i did not create them - nv knew any human beings cud create dogs. i did not try to mate my dogs either. neither did i allow my dogs to hav pups 2. my pups do not deserve equal chance as others? 3. how did i not take responsibility? 4. so ure saying alot of gd hearted rescuers who kindly take strays in and then put them up for adoptions are "dog abandon-ers"? 5. pls read the details above correctly - adoption was FOC ofcoz i'm offended when u do not bother getting ur facts rite but instead juz simply accuse. i nv did say all rescuers are hsewifes, that was purely my response to adeline/kbean.