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Hero - German Shepherd Dog Dog
In Heaven
DogGerman Shepherd Dog
ProfileMale, 4 Months
BodyLarge Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationKulim, Kedah
Posted4 Dec 2008 (Updated 9 Apr 2009)
i took him home on 26-11-08.He such a good boy...he stick wth me anywhere i go.whn i sleep,he wait n sleep outside my room.whn i cook,he watching me.whn i bath,he wait outside(actualy he12get in2 bathroom),whn i go out he wil wait at d door til i back....

He likes2chase cat but he cant run.so,he can only inform AUDI n c AUDI chasing d cat,its fun 4him.whn i teach him,he wil tuck his head2me...seem like MANJA can let me stop teaching him.quite lazyyyyy.....


LATEST NEWS : last night he didnt eat,but juz like normal.2day afternoon saw him naik tarik,quickly sent him 2vet n vet gav him vaccine.vet said mayb got virus n mayb fever.(few days ago he played in d rain).after i back n i feed him some food,water n medicine by pump.he bcome more suffer n body cramp.he suffer about 3hours n i was bside him alone.i was so scare n sad n heartbroken.he dead at 4pm.i m so suffer now.last time my pupy dat i love very much past away,i can accept it.n i was so scared n sad,n giv away 4pedegree for free away.i used few years2recover...n i tot i can face it oready.but actually i m not.now,i oready want crazy....i really no dare2hav any pet anymore.u can say i m selfish o iresponsible...but i love my HERO so much.he die so sudenly n i really cant accept it,i oready want crazy....i no dare2face it again...scare oready....dats my fault...he was born wth sooo pity oready....n now,i make him sooo suffer....dats my fault..my fault..my fault...my fault....
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m i looked cute?hehe,hiding my stiff leg,make me more adorable...
m i looked cute?hehe,hiding my stiff leg,make me more adorable...

i like2fight wth him in every situation..after fighting,v stil good brother!
i like2fight wth him in every situation..after fighting,v stil good brother!

dis my bro..sometimes v r friends,sometimes v r enemy...
dis my bro..sometimes v r friends,sometimes v r enemy...

master..wat r u doing?
master..wat r u doing?

dis pic i captured at my mum's owner's house.i m a shy boy cos my leg is stiff.i need more love...
dis pic i captured at my mum's owner's house.i m a shy boy cos my leg is stiff.i need more love...

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junlee   Apr 9th 2009 at 6:41PM
i only know i very hate myself now....
Sashy   Apr 9th 2009 at 6:43PM
Your other dogs need you still, and I know you have given them all your best. When someones time is up, no matter how hard you try, you cannot stop them from moving on. Hero was happy with you, and while he may have been sick in the end, you cared and did your best for him. He knows that, don't think dogs don't know
vivi   Apr 9th 2009 at 6:50PM
yeah jun keep hating urself.
But then do u know after u have given all them away, u will hate urself even more.
i don mean to be harsh.
i am sad to know that hero is in heaven.
i saw hero been post up for adoption for rm500.
u know his hind leg got problem but u still accept him.
u r Hero's hero u know.
or at least i think u r Hero's hero.
u r audi and Water's hero too.
if u give up now, who will help the other doggie.
Will u tell people, all doggie and kitties will die eventually. Don adopt them.
u won't rite? y? bcos u still loves all furry animal.
Jun, u can blame urself but blaming urself for a long period is not healthy.
junlee   Apr 9th 2009 at 6:52PM
i m b wth him alone at his last 3hours...i saw him suffer,i m oso suffer...he naik tarik n whole body cramp...n keras,he was looking at me n cry...i never face it b4...i m alone n scare n sad....i duno wat 2do.dat time is d most sad time i face...i really no dare2face it anymore.....
u know?i oready so blame myself.my hubby back,he didnt comfort me,but blame me oso....how sad m i u know???
vivi   Apr 9th 2009 at 7:05PM
really i mean it.
who knows if the medicine tak ngam with Hero rite?
I believe ur husband din mean to blame u but when he saw u keep blaming and crying by urself, he din know how to comfort u.
i know ur emotion r very unstable now but really cool down first.
Take a deep breath.
i know u r very sad, i am too but what u can do is try to think did u really need to blame urself?
Did u treat hero badly before.
no rite?
when he's sick u r only trying to save him.
u din mean to do anything bad.
It's just maybe he's too sick or maybe like daphne mention hero's got the distemper virus.
y don u check with the vet that check hero before.
cheer up girl.
smfan   Apr 9th 2009 at 7:12PM
Mind you I feel so quilty too cos I sent my rescued mummy to SPCA and after 3+mths she is dead when I brought a potential adopter there to get her. So how do you think I feel. I visit her on and off and this was my 1st rescue and this is what I encountered. DISAPPOINTMENT and FRUSTRATION!!!I have sent her to her death bed!!!
vivi   Apr 9th 2009 at 7:18PM
k guys.
the main thing is go thru ur heart what i meant.
u guys main thing is u want to save them but sometimes things doesn't go as we plan.
God decide what and what is going to happen.
we want to save them but it's out of our hand.
u know what i mean?
junlee   Apr 9th 2009 at 9:32PM
yup..i think deeply oready...thy need me very much,n i love thm very much.if i giv thm 2other ppl...i wory bad things wil b hapened.i really love thm n cant lost thm....!!!tq..tq 4u all...make me "WAKE UP" as i oready mad after hero dead...
vivi   Apr 9th 2009 at 11:11PM
no matter what happen we must face it.
i know it's easy to say than done. But at least we all can try before we give up rite?
i can c that u cool down already.
u can sms or call me if u r feeling bad.
let me know if u need my number.
take care.
junlee   Apr 10th 2009 at 12:01AM
tq vivi...i m luckly cos i not yet giv thm 2other ppl...atleast now i m not mad oready...tq...
sheng   Apr 10th 2009 at 12:10AM
The decision to give Hero the vaccination is done by a professional doctor. It is the best you could have done for Hero. Going against the doctor's order is usually not recommended and you did the right thing.

Hero may have other problem when he is in his mother's stomach. A stiff leg may not be the only problem. We will never know, and we do not need to know now.

Remember that Hero has moved on to a happier place. I think Hero would want to see his 3 friends, Water, E-va and Audi continue to be under your care. No one can take care of Water except you.

Your hubby... I think he is as sad as you are. He is just expressing it differently from you. Guys express their emotions differently. I've seen the both of you together. Trust me, he is god's gift to you. And don't forget he may need some comforting from you.

Hero has moved on to a happier place and a nicer place. He will remember you forever.
baca882004   Apr 10th 2009 at 10:14AM
Jun :

So sorry to hear about the sad news. He seems like such a good boy.

Just some tips that I follow, so maybe you can use as reference for future. When doctor give your pet vaccine, ask exactly what that is for. My vet does that. She'll tell me she suspect this sickness and she'll give xxx for what.

Once a vaccine is given. The Vet normally gives me the medication to give my dog. I'll then ask, "WHEN DO I START GIVING". Because sometimes it's anti-biotics and already got 1 vaccination today. So I'll ask if the medicine should start tomorrow.

If your pet feels really uncomfortable after visiting the doctor, you can always call them back then tell them the symptoms and ask for further help.

And, I am paranoid type of person. If my dog looks worst after seeing doctor and he's deteriorating rapidly, I'll bring him/her in again.

If transport is a problem, can you arrange for the Vets to visit you instead? I think they do that, but the charges are higher.

Lastly, I'm so sorry for your loss. When I lost my dog last time, I've always wondered whether I have done enough. That if I've done this or that, will he/she be alive? There's really no answer to that. Just remember that the experience you learnt here will make you a better owner for the rest of your pets. And then try to move on.
junlee   Apr 10th 2009 at 8:20PM
guys,tq for ur support,i m bcome ok oready.my hubby didnt scold me wat wat...i mean d blame is,he juz told me,i m d1who always let HERO out playing n may cause him eat someting,n oso he played in d rain(drizle),i tot dats nothing as whn i went2d previous owner's house,i saw him n his parents played in d rain.i duno wil cause him fever.n b4 dis he really looked very healthy n activ...n he sudenly cramp thn die....so sudenly....whn i think bout him n pic...i wil stil blame myself.i told my hubby "Y U STIL BLAME ME?"..he said he juz want me2know n learn,dun do it next time.yup,dats my fault,i wil not do it again.yup....me n my hubby nothing.tq....
vivi   Apr 10th 2009 at 8:50PM
It's ok Jun.
We all learn from our mistake.
What we have learned, we must try our best not to commit again.
sheng   Apr 11th 2009 at 12:30AM
Take good care of yourself. Your family depends on you (both 2 legged and 4 legged).
Sashy   Apr 11th 2009 at 8:06AM
Hope you are feeling better now
mrsdolittle   Apr 11th 2009 at 12:06PM

need i say much... please read a forum under pet memorial ... a tribute to you... lots of love...

Kak Anum
daphne1985   Apr 15th 2009 at 12:31PM
ya..Jun..tis is not ur fault ...u are just a normal animal lover a simple person like me, u are not a doctor or watever professional pet care, sure u dont noe wut to do...is not ur fault..

When Yuuki get parvo...I was so sad like u and panic and dont noe wut to do, i want to help ..I hope i can save Him but I cant...I'm not god I dont have the power and I even not a dr, I dunno what is the next step should I do..My dr even not explain to me detail on Yuuki medication..wut to do, I'm lost like u...I hate myself too coz I do not have that knowledge, I not even noe what is parvovirus at that time...
grasspg   Jun 24th 2009 at 2:55PM
Jun, i didnt know so much has happened since the last time we spoke,sounds like hero had a seizure. dont blame yourself.

We just try to do what we do best, and hope for a better life. It is okay if the dog went to heaven, at least we all learn new lessons in life to help make us better owners and people and grow as individuals.

You can stop what is bound to happen. Just know that you have a lot of people to support you morally and emotionally.

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