Lil' T-Ger was rescued fr a car workshop in Kota Kemuning during CNY. He's been quarantine at the vet for 2 weeks and been declared healthy by doctor.
Lil' T-Ger has golden base-color with leopard spot on his body and belly. On his legs are tiger strips.
Lil' T-Ger is very 'manja' with human and ok with other animal. He's responsive, playful and litter-box trained.
Pls give him a good home with lotza love and attention.
For potential adopter: you must realize that cats are able to live as long as 20 years and it is a commitment to care for another living being. So pls prepare and plan your future with Lil' T-ger in mind.
I have only one condition for adopting Lil' T-Ger which is you MUST MUST MUST neuter him ONCE he is old enough. No excuse that he is a male, or you will forever cage him up, or it's too expensive or you are too busy. NO EXCUSES!
Pls call(If you sent me an e-mail, I'll take ages to reply you. So, a phone call will be more efficient. TQ)