Bobby dijumpai di kawasan flat lebih kurang 5 bulan yg lepas. Condition Bobby sgt kurus, bulu bergumpal, penuh dengan kutu dan hama serta lemah. Kebetulan pd masa tu sy ada bawak Blackwood, terus dia datang dekat dan makan dengan lajunya.
I dont think Bobby was a stray cats before since he is very cuddle and didnt run away when I came to him closer. But from his condition, I knew he has been abandoned by his previous owner for a quite long time at these area.
Disebabkan ada banyak anjing di kawasan ni selepas jam 3 pagi, (itu pun jiran2 sekeliling yg bagitau sbb sy baru berpindah ke sini) sy amek keputusan untuk bawak ke rumah saya.
His fur has been shaved because of hairball here and there, and also has been neutered.
Bobby still in recovery process but he is healthy and eat a lot, his fur is getting softer than before because I give him a salmon oil and special food for his fur and his body getting heavier as well :)
I would love to keep him as my pet, but I already have five cats in the house. Plus, I tried a lot of things to keep them together,but since I only has female cats before, its hard for Bobby stay here for a long period as he always been bullied by the others.
I will accept Blackwood adult 7.5kg and Blackwood Kitten 7.5kg for exchange with Bobby.
Bagi sesiapa yang berminat,bole contact saya secepat mungkin.TQ