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   « Back To Listing Wonky
Wonky - Ragamuffin Cat
ProfileMale, 13 Years 11 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorGolden, White
LocationSri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur
Posted4 Dec 2011 (Updated 11 Dec 2011)
Adoption FeeFREE
Are you ready for the cat-parrot?

I found Wonky sitting on the step of a betting shop in SS2. He was soaking wet, shivering, full of worms and with a snapped back leg (it stuck out at right angles to his body).
It looks to me like somebody stamped on him, whether accidentally or on purpose I don't know. He was too cute to leave sitting there.

I took him to the office, and we all nurtured him back to health. For a while we thought his leg might need to be amputated, but he quickly sorted himself out, with a little help from the vet and a lot of love from everybody in the office.

Now he's a healthy happy kitten, with insane amounts of energy. He's still a little bit wonky when he runs and pounces, but basically he's 100% tip top. He's very affectionate, loves people, hates being alone. He's a real lap cat who also loves nothing more than riding round on my shoulders, falling asleep on people and stopping us from doing work. Anything that moves is chased, he'll be a great mouse/cockroach killer. He's fun to play with. He also likes being around other cats. He can be a bit naughty, but is cute enough to get away with it, and he's only young.

He's completely house trained, he uses the litter tray (he's most particular about this, was the easiest cat to train I ever had).

Sadly he lives in a place of work, where we can't give him enough attention because we're all busy (basically watching him play is a massive time waster for all of us, a great excuse not to work, but).
Also, since the office is empty at night he gets lonely and howls. He really needs a loving home, where he can sleep indoors where people are. I wish I could keep him, but it's not fair to Wonky.

We're going to get him neutered and vaccinated this week. Please give a call if you want a loving furball in your life.

Only nice people who can give him a loving home need apply.
We'll want to meet you first, since we all want him to go to a safe place where he can be his crazy self.
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Wonky - Half cat, half parrot
Wonky - Half cat, half parrot

Man pillow gooood
Man pillow gooood

Wonky loves a beardy rub
Wonky loves a beardy rub

Who's desk?
Who's desk?

The day we rescued him - such a cute pathetic furball
The day we rescued him - such a cute pathetic furball

A new ladies fashion perhaps? (Don't try the Wonky hat, sharp claws hurt)
A new ladies fashion perhaps? (Don't try the Wonky hat, sharp claws hurt)

A few days after rescue.
A few days after rescue.

Learning to play with a broken leg
Learning to play with a broken leg

Who could resist?
Who could resist?

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Share your comments here7 Comments
natareena   Dec 6th 2011 at 11:54PM
Is Wonky still available? He is very beautiful :]
OptidigitPetRescue   Dec 7th 2011 at 3:15PM
He is available. He's very cute I know. If you're intersted please give a call and we can meet up for a cup of tea to discuss.
It's become more imperitave that we find a place for him, since next door got burgled today, we need to bring in the bosses dog to guard the place, and I'm not sure how he'll take to that. He can bully the bigger cat, but a dog would put his nose very much out of joint.
natareena   Dec 7th 2011 at 4:48PM
Hmm, I wish I could adopt Wonky but I can't. My father thought that taking care of cats are very hard. :(
Olive_Yen   Dec 7th 2011 at 5:10PM
Infact, taking care of a cat is much easier then dog. Low mantainence :)
OptidigitPetRescue   Dec 8th 2011 at 2:58PM
That's a shame, whilst cats are incredibly self-sufficient, they still need a fair bit of attention. I'll take cats over children any day of the week however
Wonky got introduced to the dog today, he's not a big canine enthusiast. His tail poofs up like a christmas tree. I'm thinking of hanging baubles on it
ManekiNeko   Dec 8th 2011 at 5:38PM
LOL! Hanging baubles on his poofed-up tail would certainly get his mind off the dog! Sorry, the image was too rich to resist. Srsly, I do hope you find a great home for Wonky soon. :-)

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