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Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog
DogShih Tzu
ProfileMale, 18 Years 2 Months
BodySmall Size, Long Fur
ColorBlack, Cream, White
LocationSubang Jaya, Selangor
Posted10 Nov 2008 (Updated 20 Mar 2009)
Adoption FeeFREE
Hey guys,

I’m hammy and I’m here to give up my dog (Bobo) for adoption. The reason I’m putting him up for adoption is because I think he deserves a better owner and home.

The main reason is because Bobo keep fighting with my other dog (zai zai) all the time. I had been separating them using baby gate but lately Zai Zai had learn to jump over the gate to bite Bobo so now the only thing I can do is leave Bobo is my hometown. Whenever they fight Bobo will end up injured very badly and starts to bleed so before things get any worst I am letting him go now.
I love Bobo a lot so I am not giving him away on first come first serve basis, I will keep looking till I found the best owner for him. 1 of the main thing that future adopter need to agree with me is neutering Bobo or else don’t be bother to contact me and tell me how cruel I am. I am not interested to know.

First of all, I need to know a few things that is in your mind so you need to answer a few questions. Yes, you can ask me question too if you want. Here goes the question:-
1) Do u mind I pay a visit from time to time?
2)What do you think on neutering/spaying?
3) Do u have others dogs in the house/kids?
4) Are you willing to spend your money n time on Bobo?
5) Bobo bites, so do u know what to do?
6) Where do u stay?
7) Student house or family house?

P/s: Future adopter will have to sign agreement with me and are willing to fork out money for the neutering cost. Thanks.

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Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog

Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog

Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog

Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog

Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog

Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog

Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog

Bobo - Shih Tzu Dog

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Page: 1 2 3 4 5    85 Comments
bea011   Mar 4th 2009 at 1:58PM
Cute Shih Tzu.
Wish u lucks.
Take care.
hammy   Mar 5th 2009 at 5:06PM
Hi Mahen,
Please do drop me an email. By the way, why no comment on neutering and spaying a?
mahenraj84   Mar 6th 2009 at 9:30AM
hey hammy! thnks 4 ur reply... btw, i have adopted a parson JRT, white in colour! Wish all d best to Bobo and hope he'll get a loving and dedicated owner. take care
jamie76   Mar 6th 2009 at 7:07PM
Hi Hammy,

Why not try neuter Bobo & Zai Zai, then see how they get along after the neutering. Only then you decide to give Bobo up. Sometimes dogs act differently after neutering. With 2 male dogs, not neutered, the dominance issue is the problem of the fights between the two. From your info, i gather Zai Zai would be the dominant male and whenever you show affection to Bobo, he will attack. Try neutering before you decide. Dogs can grow really attached to their owners. It is always very sad to see a pet being placed in new homes and owners.
If your final decision is still to give him up for adoption, please please take much care and time when choosing the right adopter. I had a foster dog being adopted and he was left with such a bad tick and skin problem when after six months the adopter decides that he is no longer worthy of her time. Was so angry. It is not too much to ask for from the new adopter on the terms that you want to be fulfilled. I always believe that if someone is an animal lover, then will understand that a lot of hard work and time is needed to care for a pet and being demanding in that new adopter is a must. If adopters find it too much to ask for or sound impatient, that probably is not a good sign. Pets at times can really test your patience. Just be careful.
hammy   Mar 6th 2009 at 8:54PM
thanks Jamie,

I'm kinda afraid to experiment it actually because when they fight Bobo and myself will get injured. I will give it a try tho, both of them will be neuter 1 by 1. Thanks for the advise!
rachelsoon   Mar 7th 2009 at 2:26PM
Hie Hammy.
My name's Rachel and I'm interested in adopting Bobo.

Now, on to your questions.

1) Do u mind I pay a visit from time to time?
Sure, you're welcomed to visit him. I'm sure he would be really happy too.

2)What do you think on neutering/spaying?
I think pets that are neutered are more even tempered. Also, you don't want irresponsible breeding so i'm all for it.

3) Do u have others dogs in the house/kids?
I have a 14 year old brother, does that count? lol..

4) Are you willing to spend your money n time on Bobo?
I have to say that I'm not going to send him for grooming every week as my wallet won't allow that. But, if you're talking about bathing, feeding, taking him out for walks and playing with him, then yes.

5) Bobo bites, so do u know what to do?
Honestly? No, I don't know what to do. But, I will be able to handle it if you tell me how.

6) Where do u stay?
I live in Usj 5, Subang Jaya.

7) Student house or family house?
I live with my family.

My mother is really keen on Bobo and she's only got one question.

Is Bobo toilet trained?

I hope you'll consider us and get back to me. You can contact me at. I'll be sending you an email too, so just ignore this if you read that first. Thanks a lot, Hammy :)
faddie   Mar 7th 2009 at 3:58PM
is he still available
he looks so sweet i would love to have him
hammy   Mar 7th 2009 at 4:35PM
Hi Rachael, I replied your email and yes Bobo is still available
To keep you guys update, I am visiting potential adopters now. Potential adopters will receive sms from me. Thanks
JeannieNair   Mar 11th 2009 at 5:15PM
Hi Hammy, can you please call me at.
Bobo look so much like my lost Shih Tzu. Where and when did you found him. My Shih Tzu has a microchip in his body and his name is REMO. Someone stole him somewhere around Aug or Sept 08, I have the date at home and when around searhing and giving pamplet of Reward RM 500 if someone found him and till to date no news of him. But I have faith that i will get him back. Can you please check and confirm from where you got Bobo from
hammy   Mar 11th 2009 at 9:25PM
Bobo wasn't found and there are no chip tho.. good luck anyway!
mervynyeoh   Mar 17th 2009 at 4:16PM
Aiya Hammy person she dont even know who to give BOBO.She is a unconfidence herself.Finally i found a Shih Tzu on a road and i took him home.Atlast I adopted a Shih Tzu.Frankly speaking my Shih Tzu is nicer and cuter than BOBO.Thanks again for all the information that you supply me with BOBO.Have you found a home for him? Wish you good luck.All the best.
hammy   Mar 20th 2009 at 4:28AM
Nah, not really no confidence tho. Just not willing to give away to desperate weirdo =) Good luck with your new Shih Tzu, you seems to always have luck adopting all kinds of pedigree huh. Good for you then. Bye!
junlee   Mar 20th 2009 at 2:15PM
hammy,hows d potential adopters now??
serina   Mar 27th 2009 at 11:07PM
is bobo taken ?? im keen n im a dog lover ... i hv 4 kids ... my boy is 10 n girl is 7 , furby is 3 (bichon frise) n cookie is 3 (shih tzu) .. there's room for one more .. btw my dogs sleeps in the room with me :) thanx
ouanying   May 6th 2009 at 9:01PM
hi,michelle here.u shih tzu still for adoption?i have my own house,i have one shih tzu also ,4 yr old alraedy,anything pls get back to me.
email: tel :
irena6300   Jun 5th 2009 at 4:11PM
i see got one shih tzu similar to bobo at lost profile
soneiyo   May 23rd 2010 at 3:20AM
hi... im interested..=)
is Bobo adopted ord??

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