Anyone volunteer fostering Little Sammy boy?He needs vet checking immediately.
His left front leg serious crockett ,right front leg also crockett but compare to the left is better abit. Both back leg not enought strenght. It hardly move,it just can move a short distance only.
I think he needs vet checking and medical cares to heal him. If late abit more, i think his leg will crokett some when he grows up day by day, his weight also increase day by day. Then, his leg cant afford anymore,maybe will cause him cant walk anymore.
I wish to but i really cant afford sammy boy's medical fees. And ,my father get angry yesterday asking me why bring a broken leg doggy back home....I had explain to him,that let me keep sammy boy for some days,i'm trying to rehome him. Maybe sammy will safe for few days but after that, i really dunno what will happen to him.
Please foster/ adopt him. Thanks! God bless.