Angel is my first purchased dog. A real dog where I could rely on to look after my house and family as she will grow up to be a real large pet.
My first encounter with rotty's came a few months back when I was asked to look after this 1 year old male rottweiler. I was sht scared as the size of him really made me worry.
After a few days I realized how loving he was and we created a loving bond. I really missed him as we normally go for long walks and play together. Rottweilers are aggressive yet loving at the same time. He loves to hug me everytime I come back and gets very excited when I unleash him for his play time.
After he left, I felt upset and had always wanted to own a dog for myself. I got angel a few months ago after a friend's dog gave birth.
As result I have Angel a female pup quite similar in nature to the one before. She's kinda playful yet aggressive at the same time. I hope she will grow up to be the one I was hoping to see...the rott who obeys.
Otherwise I'm in for a big headache!