A week ago, I found the cat marred with bleeding flesh wounds all over its body. At that moment of time the cat was still as lively as ever, seemingly ignorant of its injuries. However last wednesday I found the cat lying weak and limping from a seemingly broken paw, although its wounds were beginning to heal slightly. From accounts of some students, some have witnessed the cat being victim to dog attacks.
My friend and I got it to the vet in Semenyih, but unfortunately it was closed. We applied iodine onto its wounds, and I kept it in my room for a few days.I took it back home to PJ in the weekends, and sought help.
From diagnosis, the cat was probably ran over more than once by vehicles judging from its injuries, and the fracture is more severe than initially thought of. The cat has fractured/dislocated its shoulder, and it has begin to ossify, which means the bone is beginning to heal in an abnormal position. The cat will be lame for the rest of its life if not corrected, and this will render it defenseless as it hinders its movement (it can only hop now, and tends to lose balance and fall). The bone is now jutting out from the side.
The vet recommended surgery as its nerve endings are still intact, in which a pin will be placed in the shoulder to help correct it. However, whether the cat will be able to use the leg after surgery will depend on the impact of the surgery on its nerves.
If the surgery is performed after the bone heals in that abnormal position, the bone will have to be broken again to insert the pin.
The surgery costs more a thousand ringgit.
The vet says if surgery is decided against the cat has to be kept indoors as it is unable to protect itself or hunt for food.
I am unable to pay for its medical cost due to financial problems. I have been taking care of the cat in my room. I cannot bring the cat back to my house because my dad has suppressed immunity as a result of chemotherapy, and I am beginning to wheeze as I keep the cat in such a confined space.
I have brought the cat to PAWS, the most lenient of all animal shelters to see if they can rehome the cat, but according to policy if the cat has a broken leg it will be promptly put to sleep.
I hope the students can help the cat out by:
1. Contributing a little to its medical fees
2. Adopt the cat, or at least look after it.
The cat is clean, sensible, uses the cat litter well, very sociable and is not hostile towards other cats. It is pretty vocal and clingy though.
I really need your help. The photo is a misrepresentation of its injuries, we mistakenly bandaged the paw thinking the paw is fractured. It also
hides all its flesh wounds from view.
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