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Shaggy - Golden Retriever Dog
Owner's Pet
DogGolden Retriever
ProfileMale, 20 Years 7 Months
BodyLarge Size, Long Fur
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted3 Nov 2008 (Updated 10 Nov 2008)
My dad decided to adopt him.
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Shaggy - Pure Breed Golden Retriever
Shaggy - Pure Breed Golden Retriever

Shaggy - Pure Breed Golden Retriever
Shaggy - Pure Breed Golden Retriever

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Page: 1 2 3    42 Comments
trinalgoz   Nov 7th 2008 at 6:46AM
Siew Yen, perhaps you haven log in to petfinder for some time. SO this is how the story goes. Casualgal in fact adopted Shaggy from Kedah at the end of October. Around 1 week later, Shaggy is up for adoption again. The first owner was giving SHaggy for free. But now Casualgal is charging RM300. So she is like adopting free pedigree and sell it with a low price.
Casualgal   Nov 7th 2008 at 8:42AM
Hi All,

I apologize for the late feedback. My grandmother has just passed away on Tuesday 4/11/08 and I have taken 3 days off to sort out her funeral.

The reason I asked for a fee is because: -
1) If you cannot afford RM300 (a very very small amount) to adopt a Golden Retriever, you cannot afford to take care of him for the rest of his life. No money, don't adopt...simple!
2) You are telling me that I am making money "selling" a pedigree for RM300? You must be kidding me...if I am selling, I would have sold for RM1000 right? I don;t even need to post it up here...I can put it up in a petshop "FOR SALE"! Please think before you speak...don't judge my integrity!
3) Yes, I spent a lot of money on Shaggy, much much more than RM300...getting him from Kedah to KL, food, lodging, grooming, medical expenses...hello?!

Shaggy is not tied-up all the time...he is released at least 3 times a day for 2 hours to roam around while my other dog is let into the house, seperating them. I bring them for a walk every evening, so please don't misunderstand, Shaggy is not in HELL. He's on EARTH and I want to adopt him to heaven, so if I ask too many questions, please understand.

I only attend to emails. If you are interested, email me. NO negotiation on adoption fees will be attended.
hunbeng   Nov 7th 2008 at 9:21AM

Casualgal ,

Please do not be angry , we are just wanting an explanation
It is good that you explained
I am still interested in Shaggy
I have sent you an e-mail
Please reply

Thank you

Hun Beng
FurrenzPets   Nov 7th 2008 at 11:30AM
Lizzie has been adopted.. As updated under her profile. And I haven't logged in for sometime? That's strange I remember coming in at least a few times in a week. And casualgal has been liaising with me on Shaggy all the time after he came home with her. It was I who taught her what to do on some things. I too gets surrendered dogs for free but I charge the new owner for adopting the dog. Is this considered selling it at a low price? The most expensive dog I rehomed costs the owner few thousands to adopt him. Would any of you adopt him then?
Oh.. forgot to mention on her dog, it's just his dominant nature of wanting to be leader of the pack. People do make mistakes when they adopt a dog without considering every factor. And partly the owner's mistake for giving away without screening properly. Anyway be glad that she has actually seek help around and get advice on what to do next. I will try to meet her up to get the dog neutered also before giving away if possible.
Can't blame you for your lack of exposure and experience in rescuing and rehoming dogs. Did you know that PAWS and SPCA charges the owner who surrender their dogs and charges the adopter to adopt the dog too. Some are adopted at at least RM500 and above for nice pedigrees. What do you call that? Earning from both sides? Think before you reply.
Casualgal   Nov 7th 2008 at 1:02PM
Well, Ellen Chan...I think you have an understanding problem, if not, I don't know what's wrong with you. I don't think I owe you an explanation and I don't I need to explain anything at the first place if I didn't want to. Shaggy is mine and I will have my way of adopting him. If you don't agree, then you don't adopt. If you are not adopting at the first place, then don't make such a hu ha. Go play with your dog or something.

End of conversation!
And if adopting means FREE, then why did Petfinder have a column for me to put the price??? THINK...you're 27!
I don't know why I'm debating with you over RM300! If you remember, I took Shaggy from Kedah...10 hours journey with RM400 on petrol, not inclusive of tol as I am drove a Mercedes up there, therefore the owner (Thomas) considered me having already paid for it. I have spoken to Thomas before putting Shaggy up for adoption, we agreed to the terms.

And for heavens...RM300 is nothing much!!!

Anything else I can help you with?
FurrenzPets   Nov 7th 2008 at 2:27PM
I think you guys should go rescue some bad conditioned dogs and make them healthy again and rehome for free. Don't only rescue one. Rescue 10 and keep it going. Do that for 2 years. And see how you survive. Oh.. don't only rescue pedigrees. Rescue the not so pretty mongrels too. See how you maintain the cost of keeping them. Bear in mind not feeding them plain rice n some leftovers daily. Quality feeding and quality life must be maintained too.. And of cos the best medical care possible by good vets not locums or newly graduated vets which can cause thousands. Then rehome the dog for free since when you rescue it you got it for free.. Am sure the one who does this is extremely well off like ellenchan..
mimimeow   Nov 7th 2008 at 4:25PM
I think RM300 is justified for transportation.

Why make a fuss for just RM300?

Just think as it is as transportation fee minus the time used to travel if you are from KL/Selangor. If you are from out of state then it's up to you if you want to adopt Shaggy.

For others who are too late in adopting Shaggy from previous owner then that's just too bad... it's your choice now whether you still want him.

If you think casualgal is still making profit out of it..then you must have not been travelling around Malaysia for a while.

lynielime   Nov 7th 2008 at 4:31PM
i think rm300 is ok too. i spend hundreds on my rescued foster kittens.. neutering them, vaccinating them, feeding them, getting them medicines.. what's wrong with the adopter paying the fosterer back for some of these things? i ask adopters to pay me back for the neutering/spaying and vaccinations. i make no profit whatsoever. does that make me a backyard cat seller? i don't think so.
vivi   Nov 7th 2008 at 4:31PM
Erm Hi... siew yen, i did rescue dogs and rehome them b4 (pedigree and mongrels too) and i understand what u say but I didn't charge anything to the new owner. But for real the cost to rehome those doggie are quite high, so i have given up doing this kind of thing. Well it's just a little misunderstanding here. Please don be angry with each other. Peace.
Karl182   Nov 7th 2008 at 5:21PM
well i think 300rm is ok ma. traveling to kedah is very far,not to mention the time and energy spent. this is not taking any advantage at all la. i dun think we shud judge ppl like tat even before knowing wat is actually going on. the previous owner also agreed with the terms. so wat more can we say? like it or not..let it go ppl.
hsiaoyan   Nov 7th 2008 at 5:32PM
hunbeng,did Casualgal called u???
hunbeng   Nov 8th 2008 at 10:03AM

I think you girls have gone over the top , ok ...

Our priorities here are to get a good home for these lives , not to spat over these things

Please , please stop it or else those in heaven would not rest in peace

Thank you

FurrenzPets   Nov 8th 2008 at 6:16PM
Well i guess wat Ellenchan means is that only dogs from SPCA and PAWS need medical attention, vitamins and food not those that are rescued by independant rescuers. Vivi I totally understand your point too. I used to rehome for free after spending a bomb on them. So now I just charge minimal adoption fees which others consider as selling. I pass the vet bills to the adopters to show them how much it is that we have spent and the money we charge is nothing.. I do hope all dogs goes to good homes. Soon i will post mine up with adoption fees too..
vivi   Nov 8th 2008 at 9:29PM
:) Well guess everything is settled now rite? So everybody please no hard feeling. Everybody does have their own point of view. So just make it a little experience for each and everyone of us. Let's just all hope Shaggy will find the right owner. God bless everybody good hearts. Tata
bina   Nov 9th 2008 at 9:10PM
Hope Shaggy finds a good home soon, I guess that's what matter most.
ch358726   Nov 10th 2008 at 10:21AM
that mean if come from johor bahru and drive bmw,
i no need to pay adopt fee????
support ellen chan

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