>^.^< Amber >^.^<
-Her favourite pastime is sitting by the window and watching the birds and people pass by outside
-her most favourite toys are a piece of string and a scrunched up ball of paper
-she has been know to play fetch, but this is always on her terms and she never does it when I ask!
-she likes to play hide and seek with me around the flat and will often hide in our bean bag ready to make an ambush
-she is afraid of brooms and mops, cigarettes and plastic water bottles (suspect she was abused in her first home)
-she likes to sneak onto the bed at night and share my pillow!
NOTE: This cat was previously up for adoption but I have been unable to find the right home for her so will some how try to raise enough money to take her, as well as Jet and Dexter, back to the UK with me next year!