need money for medical costs to treat skin , hope someone can help . if want to help , please bank in to Public Bank =-18 Tay Kay Pin , even RM 10 also can , a bit money also can help it , please .....
need money for medical costs to treat skin , hope someone can help . if want to help , please bank in to Public Bank =-18 Tay Kay Pin , even RM 10 also can , a bit money also can help it , please .....
今天早上10点多接到诊所的电话说他已经过世了,觉得很伤心又失望 ,没能好好照顾他接下来的日子,希望他能安息。。He pass away this morning , feel so sad and disappointed , i can not care him as well , very sorry about him , hope he can peace at heaven 。。