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   « Back To Listing Lucky
Lucky - Dachshund Dog
Owner's Pet
ProfileMale, 18 Years 10 Months
BodySmall Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationBukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur
Posted21 Oct 2008 (Updated 23 Jun 2009)
Lucky is a really cute dog, he likes to play very much and he is looking for a girlfriend now..I no some people doesn't like people to breeed dogs, but I think it's time for him. Lucky is a really adorable cute chic doggie. He likes to chase Malays and Indians and he loves Chinese people. He really weird sometimes because he loves to dig the bin and he likes raw vegetables! I brought Lucky from a kind hearted vet in Hartamas.
He is not microchipped or lincensed.
I think I better get him a license but I have no idea where in the world to get it..
Now he is 2 years old.
He is a real healthy dog but he is disgusting. He eats his own poo. I have to stop him and he is going to get wild soon Can someone tell me how to train? I want to bring him to training schools but he is really fierce and will attack people. He wants to portewct me from anything and he is a brave little guy!
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Chewwy are my favourites--

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Hi my name is Lucky!!
Hi my name is Lucky!!

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Share your comments here7 Comments
Deki   Jun 17th 2009 at 1:04AM
spray some vineger or tobasco on his poo, whenver u c his poo, normally will put him away.

Any vet will advice u to get a license for a dog, u din ask him??

Dog will only attack ppl when they r afraid, being provoked or feeling insucured.
baca882004   Jun 17th 2009 at 6:58AM
Another thing to try, a fellow PF suggests adding a little bit canned pineapple juice to the food. Please read more here http://forums.petfinder.my/blog.php?b=37

Maybe you can ask around who can help you train Lucky. In Lucky's mind, he's alpha. Like he's the "father" and he's protecting his kid. But this is wrong, you need to take charge and be lead. He should be the kid listening to you.
cellofen   Jun 18th 2009 at 11:07PM
Thanks for your adviced.
Another thing is that he starts to bite people now. It's an issue to me. I suspected it was ecuase of my maid. She hates Lucky becuase Lucky made her to clean his poo. I suspected she bit the dog, how right I was, the next morning I saw she biting Lucky. I wanted to send her right back to Indonesia when I saw her doing that. She admitted she was biting the og since last month, poor Lucky.
I wasn't a licensed driver, so I couldn't drive. Only my mom and dad can fetch me to the vet and Bandar Raya department to apply license. I asked my dad and mom so many times, they just-don't bother too fetch me and Lucky to the department.
Deki   Jun 18th 2009 at 11:34PM
OMG !!!! R u allowing ur maid doing dat again ??????
cellofen   Jun 20th 2009 at 9:12PM
Hey Deki, I went to the vet just now. I brought Lucky along. I told the vet that Lucky bites. The vet told me that someone has hit him. I didn't allow her to do. I'm deciding to sending my maid away. Very bad maid.
Anyway, got to tell you that my dog bit me yesterday. I accidently tripped and fell on him, so he must be scared, and he's trying to protect himself, becuase he doesn't trust anybody now. I am very sad for Lucky. But no matter what, I will keep him.
He is going for spay "service" next week. I am spaying my dog.
Hi everybody, Lucky was just spayed this morning. I was in school and I can't skip school so,my mom brought him to the vet. He is now in the vet. I am putting him there for a boarding service, becuase I didn't know how to clean the wound and I think Lucky would jump here AND there, if I bring him home becuase he is soo happy when he sees me. I went to see him just now, he looks happy. He was sitting beside to Rottweilier and they look so scary.

Anyway...he bit me last Friday. He bit my right palm. I accidentaly fell on him and he bit me.. I wasn't really angry of him. Becuase he didn't trust anyone after my maid abused him.

I always love him and I treated him as my beloved little brother.

Don't worry. I won't sent him away just becuase he bit me...

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