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   « Back To Listing Wolfie
Wolfie - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMale, 16 Years 9 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationSelayang, Kuala Lumpur
Posted20 Oct 2008 (Updated 31 Oct 2008)
Adoption FeeFREE
Wolfie was actually ADOPTED last week but the owner just called me to say she cant keep him coz he has become scared. I just found out that he became like that coz he was beaten for poo-ing the house once!!! Im only looking for caring and responsible owners!

Here's his story...
This litter of puppies were born on August 21st 2008 in front of my neighbor's house. They
decided to dump the whole lot at the end of the road and to make matters worse, their mom abandoned them right after that. I took them in when they were a day old and have hand raised them ever since. They are already consuming dry food and are a real healthy, playful bunch.
As they were hand raised, these pups have EXCELLENT temperament and are very friendly with people. 3 of their siblings have already found their way to good homes. I'm now left with these gorgeous 4, including Wolfie.
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Wolfie posing for the camera.
Wolfie posing for the camera.

Wolfie - Mixed Breed Dog

Wolfie - Mixed Breed Dog

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Share your comments here8 Comments
foxtress81   Oct 29th 2008 at 5:49PM
Hey guys...anyone want to adopt WOLFIE???

He's a super sweet fella and extremely affectionate.

Genuine owners only!!!
shereentsl   Oct 30th 2008 at 3:30PM
hello...ive never had any pets before...looking to get one really soon...can u give me any details on wolfie? thk u
kyiie   Oct 30th 2008 at 4:25PM
"he was beaten for poo-ing the house once.."
omg .. what a mean person.. foxtress you should leave the person's name and stuff here to warn other fosterers :0
foxtress81   Oct 30th 2008 at 4:37PM
tell me about it! this gal who took him SEEMED so genuine at first! and she even has a lab and a silky terrier at home! I guess she treats pedigree dogs better than she does mongrels!
She suddenly msges me to say that Wolfie is getting aggressive and tried to bite her dad!!

Ok...common sense! A dog would NEVER do that unless u've hit him before! I've kept dogs my whole life and i currently have 4 of my own and 1 of em is double my size and even he has NEVER tried biting me!

So I told this gal that I dont believe her and that her dad must have tried to hit him or something. She kept saying no but after a while she said 'yeah, maybe'.

That was more than enough for me. I made her send Wolfie back to me immediately. And when he was in my arms,he couldnt stop licking my face. Ran all over my house like it was the first time he tasted freedom or something!

And..what pissed me off even more is the fact that Wolfie was the biggest pup out of the whole litter. Plump lil fella he was! And by the time he came back to me, I could see his friggin ribs!
I lost my head!

Mean bastards like these shouldnt even be allowed near people, what more animals!!!!!!!!
kyiie   Oct 30th 2008 at 9:33PM
i wonder what they expects from a young pup if they ill treat him. see whether she or her dad likes it if someone beat them up! & they expect the puppy to miraculously know where to poop and pee without guidance?! sigh, poor thing.. i hope he finds a better home. it wont be long, since he's such a cutie :)
foxtress81   Oct 31st 2008 at 10:55AM
Wolfie found a home last nite! :)

A lovely family from Klang came down and picked him up and I could see that they adored him the moment they saw him. :)
BabyZee   Oct 31st 2008 at 10:59PM
OMG..and people like that claiming they're animals lovers? for God sake! :(
lucky the contacted you back foxtress, if not we might not know what will happen to wolfie, they might have dump him anywhere..good they still can think to ccontact you back..
finally i'm happy that wolfie found a new family, he deserves that, hope God bless wolfie with the new family.. :)
foxtress81   Nov 2nd 2008 at 8:15PM
thank u babyzee...im real pleased too.. :)

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