My sister woke me up one day and told me there was a kitten in the front of my car and after awhile i pulled it out. It looked extremely famished so i gave it something to eat. After eating i saw the kitten trying to run or escape so i just allowed it, thinking that it wasn't comfortable with my 5 other cats breathing down her neck. Later that morning just as i'm about to leave for work it crawled up my car AGAIN but this time i couldn't see it. she was so deep inside the exhaust we had to get a mechanic's help. After awhile, we got her out but she ran AGAIN! but this time she went straight into the deep drain. My father decided to just leave her there and made me go to work without taking her out. Later my sister came back and heard her meowing and went straight into the dirty drain and saved its life :) now..its stuck with us ahahah. I already have 5 cats and i cant take anymore so someone please adopt this little precious, before raya. i'll be going overseas for raya and boarding 5 cats will already be a hassle 1 more will be worst. So someone pleaseee help me :D
Updated 21/8/2011
This afternoon my father thought it would be good to let her out of her cage to play around. She went to my neighbour's house and suddenly we couldn't find her anymore :( but i just hope she'll be alright. i've done what i can all i can do now is hope for the best :)
Updated 22/8/2011
Hmm found her again this morning lololol so waiting for adoption yet again!!!!
Updated 27/8/2011
WOW great!! She's adopted by a caring new owner!! <3 haha