my friend's mom gave shippo to me. clever - always find a way out of the house adorable - always want to sleep with my husband and i, always take his nap on my husband's chest appetite - kuat gilew makan nasik kucing ni. (tapi kurus je) cleanliness - sangat pembersih kucing ni. sampai najis pipi chan pn dia yg kambus dgn pasir. bulu pipi chan pn dia yg jilat.
myb he's miss putih n pipi...n walk in around,.. n forget how to back,,,myb he's lost..... but i hopely he's dnt go in the india house means you nighbour, wast the mother ask he son to throw putih in the hole drain...poor kitten.... hope shipo dnt go there la...or shipo have a gurlfren n get maried hehehehe..i will pray for shipo i hope he come to home n healthy