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   « Back To Listing Stripey
Stripey - Mixed Breed Dog
In Heaven
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMale, 16 Years 2 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, Golden
LocationPj, Kuala Lumpur
Posted3 Oct 2008 (Updated 10 Nov 2020)
Hello my name is Stripey! :)

I was a stray doggie when my friends rescued me, they took me in and looked after me, and I now board with a kind local Vet who brought me back to full and happy health!

I am now looking for a new home where I can share my happiness and joy for life! I love playing, going for walks, chasing birds, being hugged, and of course, sausages! Lots and lots! :)

Lots of doggie thanks! Your friend, Stripey! Woof, Woof!

UPDATE: 10/11/2020

It is with great sadness that Stripey passed away peacefully 18/8/2020. We will miss him very much. Such a bright and optimistic character.

Stripey, from Malaysian street stray to Australian PR and a much loved family member. Thank you for making the journey with us and brining so much happiness to us over these many years. Your spatial awareness was second-to-none and you always knew where home was wherever we were. I remember your first walk in your new home, in your new country, you walked yourself around and walked yoursel… show more
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This is one of my best friends, Simon.

Friends! It's my 30th picture! Thanks for being with me here, catch me at Simon's forum profile!

Hey! Look what I found on my morning walkies! Sand! I love digging this, reminds me of PD!

It's been a long day at PD! I've seen lots of new sniffs, sweet dreams for the ride home!

I need my sunnies! Otherwise I pull this face! :-) Look I can wiggle my ears! :-)

It's a boat, maybe we can go fishing later for fishy treats for Missy, Max and Blue! Woof!

Hey Simon! What's over there? Let's go and investigate! Sniff, sniff, sniff!

Let's keep our beaches tidy for all little feet and paws! I will be taking this to the bin!

Oh! I do like to beside the sea side! I love this soft sand, good digging! Woof!

And I thought my bath was big! But that's nothing! Look how much water is out there!

We're on a hills edge along PD, I can see the sea! Let's go down for a look at the beach!

Wow! I've never seen so much green before! And those trees are huge! Can't wait to sniff!

We've stopped off at Seramban service station for food and drinks! Yum, this is the life!

Hello friends! We're off to Port Dickson! I'm really excited I've not seen the sea before!

Seasons greating to all! May Santa bring lots of sausagues to all doggies everywhere! Wooof!

I am learning how to knit a jumper for Missy, knit one, purl one, knit one, purl one, woof!

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I'm looking forwards to my tummy rubs, right after Blues! Tickles all over!

There's nothing like a good chew after a lovely soothing shampoo!

I love my shampoos! Oh and here's the tea boy with my tea and sausages! Woof, Woof! Over here!

This is me attending language class, Max and Blue are busy marking my home work!

I am cool with cats and join class everyday to learn cat, meow, meow, woof!

This is me checking in for my holiday, with a nice hand shake at reception!

I met Missy, Max and Blue earlier, they are so cute and are the smallest doggies I have ever seen!

I've found a nice spot to hide my bone! Will come back after my sasuages and tummy rubs!

Hello friends! I thought I would share some of my holiday photos with you all!

Woof Woof! Hello this is me on holiday at Simon's. I like playing ball here and all the tummy rubs!

Riding in cars is fun too, I get to see lots of things out of the window!

I love shaking hands with people!

Yum, Yum, I like sausages too! :)

Hello! Woof, Woof!

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Share your comments here19 Comments
AndyKoh   Oct 3rd 2008 at 6:08PM
Hi Simon,

Good job in rescuing Stripey! He looks very happy with you, have you considered keeping him yourself?
Simon   Oct 3rd 2008 at 9:46PM
Hi Andy,

Thanks, you know I think Stripey is very happy with everyone he meets and greets! He really is a very happy dog all round and he makes friends very easily! :) And yes, I have thought long and hard about adopting Stripey, I have g… show more
bina   Oct 4th 2008 at 1:39PM
Woof Woof ...
May you find a loving home, with lots of sausages soon!
Simon   Oct 4th 2008 at 4:13PM
Thanks Bina!

Listening closely, I sometimes think I can hear Stripey say in doggie breaths "Sausages! I like, sausages!" and he really does love them! Stripey has a lovely tail too, which goes into "Hyper-Wag" when he is really happy, whi… show more
bina   Oct 5th 2008 at 2:39PM
Simon, it is just so funny the way you describe Stripey!!! But then again, it is Stripey's character that make him all so special!
Good luck ya!!
Simon, how about sharing with us your kitties' pictures too!
manlee   Oct 6th 2008 at 5:28PM
hi simon,

i think stripey's life full of happiness when he is with you, and you make all of his loneliness all just disappear. His face full of the word of 's.m.i.l.e' that i can sense through all the photos uploaded by you.

wish stripey c… show more
Simon   Oct 6th 2008 at 8:20PM
Thanks Bina and Manlee!

Stripey really loves to smile! And I've seen that its the kind of happy smile that catches on quickly with people, like those who stop and pet him while walking or in the vets! :) Yes, he's such a lovely character,… show more
FerretSoldier   Oct 8th 2008 at 4:50PM
i looooveeeee yourrr stripppeesss!!! i'm amazed how come i've never seen you! must b cause those scammers ads been makin the listings so messed up. now its cleared and i saw you! be callin ur friend soon.
Simon   Oct 8th 2008 at 10:18PM
Hi Chelly,

Many thanks! I can picture Stripey's ears pricking up in happiness at your words! His ears are just as bouncy and happy and as full of expression as his tail and well, the rest of him too! :) Stripey says he looks forwards to he… show more
julietskling   Oct 18th 2008 at 11:22PM
Stripey looks like Max.
Max is under the "ADOPTION" by its owner kaunder. Mas is a Spitz + Jack Russel Terrier.Max is located in Shah Alam, Selangor. So i am not sure if Stripey is actually Max. They look identical....
Simon   Oct 19th 2008 at 7:06PM
Hi Sookam,

Gosh, I can see what you mean! Max looks like Stripey's twin! It's nice to see another brindle doggie! Hope Max finds a new home soon! :)

manlee   Oct 21st 2008 at 10:39AM
hi Simon,

Stripey's holiday at your house looks so great! His face is full of happiness. How about your 3 cute cats when Stripey inside your house? Are they in the frighten mood? :)
Simon   Oct 21st 2008 at 7:13PM
Hi Manlee,

Yes, Stripey is really happy on his holiday! He's very smart and has already made a favourite walking route, holding everything in until he goes for walks (if you know what I mean!) :) He's learnt to play fetch and also likes t… show more
Nachichan   Oct 23rd 2008 at 9:31AM
Stripey is soooooooooo cute!
Love 2 have her to replace for my dog,Flora who just recently passed away but I adopted Aussie instead.
hehe...hope Stripey found a warm,good loving home
Simon   Nov 3rd 2008 at 8:49PM
Well, my heart could take no more... and Stripey is really settled here after his holiday! So I've adopted him! :) Things are working out really well, he gets on fine with Missy and Max and is already best friends with Blue! Although Miss… show more
lynielime   Nov 4th 2008 at 9:15AM
aww.... that is so sweet! a happy ending for stripey. you obviously love him and i'm sure he's devoted to you.. i think if he was adopted by someone else, you both would've been super sad.
bina   Nov 4th 2008 at 9:32AM
I am so happy for Stripey! He has made into the "Happy" statistics of petfinder!

I had a similar experience with my cat TIGER, was meant for adoption but along the way, she trusted me more each day and giving her up would make me feel so guilty!
MelissaK   Mar 4th 2010 at 11:43PM
Gosh, I think Stripey is one of the happiest dogs I've ever seen! It's obvious from the pics he has such a blast with you and his feline friends - so glad he found a loving home with you :)
JoeeJoe   Jun 6th 2010 at 2:06AM
Stripey has such an unique coat colour! =)

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