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   « Back To Listing Candy (Mimi)
Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog
DogShih Tzu
ProfileFemale, 3 Years
VaccinatedNot Sure
DewormedNot Sure
ConditionSerious Injury
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBrown, Cream, Gray
LocationKl, Kuala Lumpur
Posted23 Sep 2008 (Updated 14 Mar 2009)
Adoption FeeFREE
candy's msg on 26/9/08:
I found a good owner-Mummy Judy. She adore me alot... She did not judge my looks. Mummy has 2 cat and a male poodle. They are now my bros and sisters.
I need help. Mimi (name was given by us) was wondering around my place for the past three weeks and currently is taking shelter in the TNB sub station. I wish to adopt her but it is inconvenient for me as i am living under ppl roof and there are two dogs living together with us. We have been feeding this dog since 22/9, she has put on some weight. I do not know how old and what breed is she. I think she was left near my place after giving birth. I hope that someone can take her home and give her the love. PS can someone guess how old is Mimi?
Mimi Conditions:
1) skin problem
2) there is some yellowish thing in her eye
*advice me what to do
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What you looking at? (Feb09)
What you looking at? (Feb09)

Wooii, you know what is PRIVACY (feb09)
Wooii, you know what is PRIVACY (feb09)

Posting (Feb09)
Posting (Feb09)

Candy (11 Nov 08)
Candy (11 Nov 08)

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy and her loving mom-Aunty Judy (14Oct08)
Candy and her loving mom-Aunty Judy (14Oct08)

please dont jugde my looks...im pretty inside.
please dont jugde my looks...im pretty inside.

whats wrong with my eye?
whats wrong with my eye?

please take me home.
please take me home.

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

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Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

Candy (Mimi) - Shih Tzu Dog

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Page: 1 2 3    42 Comments
julietskling   Nov 25th 2008 at 7:54PM
Unbelievable! I was shock of the out came when aunty Judy brought candy to my office....really love can do a lot of great things. one thing i have learn ----never judge a book by its cover!
help! someone one call aunty judy claming that candy is theirs. what should we do? They say want to report police? when candy was ill, noone came forward. now she look preety someone is claiming he is the owner!!!
baca882004   Dec 4th 2008 at 1:24PM
There are a few ways to go about this, depending on how you feel about Candy - fight like crazy or let Candy choose :

1. Talk to SPCA or animal groups and see whether there are any rights of current owner e.g. if dog not claimed for 1 month, then no more current owner.

2. Find out more details, like when they lost Candy. Did they put up any notice? Any proof Candy is their dog? Photos?

3. You should also know that under the Animals Act 1953 (Act 647, revised in 2006, it is an offence to cause ‘unnecessary suffering’ to animals. So, the pervious owner will KENA if abandon Candy.

4. FINALLY, you can Let Candy meet up with the "previous" owner. If Candy loves the owner, wag tail like crazy etc, then maybe it's meant to be.

Also, I found this Animal Welfare Group. NOt sure if can help or not : http://www.mnawf.org.my/links_info.html
lynielime   Dec 4th 2008 at 2:11PM
thank god you've got lots of proof of the condition she was in when you found her. print out all those photos of her that you took when she was sick and dirty. that's all proof of NEGLECT!! good luck!!
pugsnmutts   Dec 4th 2008 at 2:12PM
hi sookam, sent u an email... pls check...
AndyKoh   Dec 6th 2008 at 12:08AM
Hi Sookam,

You need not be threatened by the words of the supposed owner of Candy as you have done nothing wrong, and gave only the best to Candy. In fact, I think the owner sounded very ungrateful and illogical to have made such a threat to you - if you wanted to keep Candy to yourself, then you wouldn't even have put Candy's pic in the newspapers.

In any case, you could try meeting the owner at a neutral ground (say, a park) accompanied by your parents or friends so that the hostile owner does not take advantage of you or know where you live so that he could harass you. Ask him to bring along proofs of ownership, such as Candy's pictures. Then, you can observe the response of Candy towards him. If Candy appears very friendly and attached, then I suggest you return her to him.

If there are no clear indications or proof of his ownership, then resist any attempts of him taking away Candy. If he threatens to make a police report, go ahead and make a report together with him as you have done nothing wrong. In such an event, you might also want to bring Candy to SPCA for them to be the mediator and apply their professional judgement on the issue.

Most importantly, do not be intimidated by such people who might be greatly in need of being taught a lesson.

All the best, and let us know how things go.
bina   Dec 6th 2008 at 12:40AM
Mimi (Candy) would have died if it wasn't for you and aunty Judy!!! I'd say, Candy "lived" because of you gals!
I don't like the so-called "someone, supposedly x-owner" threatening to report to police.
Ignore them, btw, how on earth did they find aunty judy's no????
julietskling   Dec 7th 2008 at 8:43PM

thanks for you advice. anuthy judy and i have not been sleeping well. "owner" did not call up again. Aunty Judy said that she will go to the authority if they still treaten her.

Aunty judy's no was given by the newspaper editor to the "owner". Its should be PNC but dont knw why they gave her number out.

To All,

Thanks for answering out help. i cant imagine what will heppen to us if your did not reply. its funny what can petfinder to for the animals and us all. Keep up the good job!
monkee94   Apr 11th 2009 at 10:46AM
She looks so mischievous in the 11th picture..glad to see that she has found a wonderful owner~!
Wanko   Apr 29th 2009 at 1:13AM
How is candy eye now.U can try put dog eye drop hoping the blur vasion will be better.Once i have save a stray dog that have injure both eye.One eye even pop out.I called the vet and only manage to save 1 eye.Some poeple r bad,they alway touture animal.
Deki   Apr 29th 2009 at 8:43AM
Aunty Judy, u r as sweet as Candy, hope her eye fully recovered by now........ and many others awaiting 4 adoption r as lucking as Candy.......
baca882004   Apr 29th 2009 at 9:29AM
This will make another wonderful "Before & After" story. So happy to see Candy looking so beautiful and happy.
buffy   May 19th 2009 at 11:38PM
OMG, Candy is a really lucky gal 2 hv fairy Aunty Judy 2 rescue her, wat a change!!!!! Amazing!!!!!
MinceToiletPaper   May 19th 2009 at 11:57PM
Really good to see that Candy in a good form and shape. Its sad to see her rot like that in the first place. i do go petshop selling nice breed dogs but many times i see the buyers are not really pet lover. Can gurantee later sure throw the pet on side as mostly they bought are Shih Tzu, they actually needs a lot of care and maintainence. So this people only knows how to pet pet the pet but dont want to bath them. also they needs consistant grooming to aoid their fur to tangle
buffy   May 20th 2009 at 12:01AM
ya u r rite!!
Judy   Jun 1st 2009 at 4:37PM
Thank you !! all i'm auntjudy and Candy is totally a complete Shi tzu now Unbelievable!!
Another profile is made under Candy 4-6yrs old
category can see her more..thanks again folks
tinkerbibie   Oct 7th 2009 at 7:29PM
hi aunty judy.. it's amazing to see candy looking so beautiful and healthy.. i hope her eye soon fully recovered.. thanks for taking good care of candy.. i'm sure she's so happy and grateful to have a nice mum like you.. ;-) God bless..
patchibunny   Oct 15th 2009 at 5:18PM
im so touched!!! looking at candy b4 & after, touched my heart.. good that she found someone who care for her.. bet she appreciate you aunt judy..


nurkasih   Oct 15th 2009 at 5:20PM
OMG..she really is different now... COngrates..
WaiSam   Oct 31st 2009 at 4:39AM
She is such a darling!

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