These kittens were born by our domestic cat. The number of cats are increasing at our home since these kittens have older siblings that lives with us as well.
We are looking for a more comfortable place for them
Hello there, please spay all your cats to PREVENT them from continue to MULTIPLY. For every cats who has been spayed-neutered, hundreds & thousands of unwanted births would be prevented.
Kiddie 1 : reserved for Taufiq or puan Fieza Kiddie 2 : Adopted by Anne Kiddie 3 : Open for Adoption (we are still taking care of kiddie 3 until he recovers. U still can adopt) Kiddie 4: Adopted by Anne Kiddie 5: reserved for latif until 12pm today.
Kiddie 1 : Adopted by Taufiq Kiddie 2 : Adopted by Anne Kiddie 3 : Open for Adoption (we are still taking care of kiddie 3 until he recovers. U still can adopt) Kiddie 4: Adopted by Anne Kiddie 5: Adopted by Taufiq
Thanks for the queries and your interest towards these kittens, pet lovers!!