Dear All,
I wish to inform Puffy has been adopted. Thank you all for offering to give him a home.
(Samantha Rwg)
Heard a kitty crying, found one all alone under overgrown lalang in next door vacant house backyard... mummy cat not around, got worried might die cold in heavy rain. Scooped it up using a long pole with a spatula attached (just a few days old, eyes still closed..).. it fits just into the size of my my palm, how tiny! After rain, put in a box behind my house, mom cat came and took it and hid somewhere, not seen again. One month later, omg.. white Puffy, as pure as snow, appeared in my backyard with mom cat. What a nice surprise to see a white fluffy cotton ball moving about, so cute! A beautiful, amazing moment money can't buy.
Placed a box for both to sleep and stay in, with food and water. 2 months old now. At first, I separated them but mommy cat looked sad, so better this way. Mommy cat is a stray and is not comfortable with humans, even though I've been feeding her, she does not let me pat her head. Hisssssssssss!!
22/4/11 - visited vet, too young for vaccination, vet advised to give 2 daily doses of antibiotics to boost immunity cos mom cat mingles with other strays.
- Dewormed.
- Given anti-panlucopenia syrup to prevent disease.
- ear drops to kill mites (if any) none seen.
- very clean fur, no fleas.
28/4/11 - completed anitbiotics course intake.
Puffy starts taking soft food and kitty biscuits.
Daily milk nursing by mommy cat. :D
(How I wish someone is able to coax mommy cat and adopt them both, just a wish).
Person wishing to adopt must comply to the following requirements :-
- neutering by 6th month of age
- yearly vaccination
- a good, loving home environment.
(I am not always able to grab my handphone to answer calls, so if I miss your call please don't despair, drop a message or send me email and I'll reply. Thanks).
Please consider me as Puffy's new mommy as I have fallen in love with him.
I m a huge animal lover n always proved a warm n caring home. U can stay in touch
Wth puffy.