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   « Back To Listing Do Re Mi Fa So
Do Re Mi Fa So - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMixed Gender, 14 Years 3 Months
Amount5 Pets
BodyLarge Size, Medium Fur
ColorBrown, Cream, White
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Posted15 Apr 2011 (Updated 8 May 2011)
Adoption FeeFREE
Me and my bro rescued these 5 puppies from the road side this evening (14/4/2011). My bro found them when he was walking back home from the bus station outside my area. I cant imagine what will happened to them if I didnt rescue them. they were at the road side running around. No other dogs other than the 5 cute little puppies.
I suspect someone abandoned them at the road side because everyday, my brother will walk home from school using the same road. and today only he saw those puppies.
They need a home urgently. We also want them to be in a good home urgently as we are still students and our parents disagree with us taking them back home. We are using our own pocket money to feed them. We refuse to put them to SPCA because we're afraid that those 5 cute little puppies will be put to sleep if no one adopt them.
So, please... Those who want to adopt them, do give us a call. It's urgent.

Sharon Kin.

The 5 puppies were dewormed with the help of MDDB. =) but 2nd deworming is required.
In order for easy recognition of the puppies, I've decided to address them temporarily by Do Re Mi Fa So.. instead of recognizing them by their sizes.. so it's easier for everyone. =)

more pictures of the 5 puppies, do visit my facebook photo album.

photo album: 5 rescued puppies for adoption. (Do Re Mi Fa So)
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FaFa (male) - gentle & quiet.
FaFa (male) - gentle & quiet.

Do Re Mi Fa So sleeping tgher.
Do Re Mi Fa So sleeping tgher.

MiMi (female) - alert to sounds.
MiMi (female) - alert to sounds.

ReRe (female) - smart. she always finds her way out from the cage. she's in charge of all the noise.
ReRe (female) - smart. she always finds her way out from the cage. she's in charge of all the noise.

DoDo (male) - its fur is thicker than the others.
DoDo (male) - its fur is thicker than the others.

SoSo (female) - gentle.
SoSo (female) - gentle.

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Muffin & Pudding
For Adoption

Share your comments here2 Comments
pugsnmutts   Apr 15th 2011 at 3:52PM
hi, great job in saving the puppies... u may try to contact MDDB, so see if they can help u in anyways with these puppies... their number is
all d best!
dhayanm   Apr 21st 2011 at 7:28AM
These guys are really cute - you should have more luck finding potential adopters for them as they are puppies. I suggest you create a public facebook album and advertise them there as well (If you already haven't that is.Found that FB works just as well as Petfinder. You can also try putting speaking to any vets nearby your place and putting up a notice there - vets are usually helpful and would know if anyone was looking for a puppy,etc.
Your brother and you have done a good thing - not many people would have rescued them. These pups would be a lot worse off if it wasn't for people like you - and they will always sense that.

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