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Lost in Petaling Jaya
Blackie, 14 Yrs

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   « Back To Listing T For 彤彤
T For 彤彤 - Poodle Dog
ProfileFemale, 14 Years 7 Months
BodySmall Size, Long Fur
LocationJb, Johor
Posted14 Apr 2011 (Updated 9 May 2011)
Adoption FeeRM 200
Updated 2011-05- pm

彤彤 has been adopted. Fees have been received and the dog will be spayed before we release her to the new guardians end of May.

We thank the many parties who have expressed interest in the dog. We hope you will find another dog to take home soon.


ONLY FOR PET LOVER - Pet will be spayed before delivery.

She is totally black without any markings. Very cute, playful but obedient.

Fully vaccinated. All three injections. Next vaccination is due only in March 2012.

She was born on 13 November 2010. So, she will be 6 months old soon. She understands commands in Mandarin.

She is toilet trained to pee and poo on a wired platform so she never gets her feet wet or dirty! The platform is actually a dog cage with the walls and roof removed.

Pet is to be collected in JB, Johore.

Adoption fee of RM200 is for spaying her.

Adopter may appointed his/her vet to do the spaying, pay for the spaying, and pick up the dog after the surgery without any further charges.
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That taste nice!
That taste nice!

Where I pee and ....
Where I pee and ....

Sad to leave my owner...
Sad to leave my owner...

Thinking positively....
Thinking positively....

Share your comments here13 Comments
magenpower   May 6th 2011 at 8:33PM
Hi, i am interesting of ur black poddle. Where u stay ??
TomDooley   May 6th 2011 at 10:44PM
Mr CK Tan (magenpower), please call to discuss. We would also like to know more about you before we give the toy poodle away. Also, what does "cdsfdszvdsfds" under your profile mean? :-)

And our apologeis to other prospective adopters who want an un-spayed dog. Please note that the poodle shall be adopted on the condition that she is spayed. Those who wish for an un-spayed dog would have to look somewhere else. Thank you.
Joelim   May 7th 2011 at 1:05PM
Hi, i saw your u tube video.
there is few poodle there.
any others poodle for sell or adoption???
i intend to have a poodle in my house.
TomDooley   May 7th 2011 at 2:56PM
Joe, only one black toy poodle is available. We initially thought we wanted three toy poodles, one white/cream, one brown, and one black. But we later found that having 3 pets is too demanding. We decided on last-in-first-out principle, so we choose to part with the black one.

A few months ago, you sold off your schnauzer because you said a family member has sensitive skin and hence cannot keep an indoor pet. Now you intend to have a poodle? Note that poodles are only to be kept indoors.
Nophie   May 7th 2011 at 4:30PM
thinking to adopt her ever since u put it up for adoption but u're location is in Johor.. even if I wanted to spay her I have no idea which vet is good in Johor. Hope she finds a great home :)
Joelim   May 7th 2011 at 10:57PM
ya, last time my brother in law stay together.
now he move out to stay alone.
now only me & wife only.
so no more problem to keep indoor.
i so regret to let my scnauzer go.
but since he stay well with new owner, i feel good also.
TomDooley   May 8th 2011 at 12:19AM
Jojotan, thank you for the offer to take 彤彤 in. We received a few phone enquiries which are being considered. Since she is going away literally free of charge, save for the RM200 spaying fees, we want to make sure she really gets a pet lover as her guardian.

Though 彤彤 may not end up at your home, we hope your offer for us to visit your home still stands. We will still keep our two other toy poodles, and perhaps we could meet someday and share experiences in caring for our pets, i.e. if you are game. :-)
danielpuen77   May 8th 2011 at 8:54PM
Wow glad for the doggie :) been looking around if there are any other offer do keep me posted :) cheerz
TomDooley   May 8th 2011 at 9:37PM
The dog has not been adopted. In my earlier posting, I wrote that we received a few phone enquiries which are being considered. Until payment is received, the dog is spayed and handed over to the new guardian, the dog is still available. :-)
hhbee0   May 11th 2011 at 12:53PM
kellytee   May 19th 2011 at 6:33PM
Your dog is adopted it?
javender   Oct 8th 2011 at 3:21PM
I love it, but what if i'm not local?
can i adopt her?
raymah   Oct 19th 2012 at 2:16AM
hv new guardian aready?

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