Adik is the Jewel of the family. He was picked up by my brother at my mum's workplace in Sg Buloh because his mother rejected him. Why? Because some fools took him away for about 2 days from the mother and siblings and she do not recognized him anymore.
He is skinny when we found him, but what puzzeled me is that why his belly was so big at dat time. I told my mom he maybe has some worm problem. However, we didnt manage to get him to the vet because my mom thinks that he is really healthy...hurm.. maybe this problem was camoufludged with his extra active attitude.
Because my mom jus workin in Sg Buloh, we often travel back to Perlis when necessary... my dad and my older brother still there...its complicated, what i am trying to say despite that, i found out that Adik really enjoy travelling in the car... he get excited and restless. not scared yea? but once in 2 hours we have to stop at the RnR because he need to walk freely.... haha..
He has this weird perangai... likes to see what people are eating, but he didnt mean anything, just take a look and left to do his thing, strange ya? however he likes chicken soooo much... so often we have to give him some (despite the facts frieds food makes his fur falls tremendously)and he tend to put it in the frieskies tray together with the frieskies and he is like chewing the chicken and eating with frieskies like nasi and lauk.. funny, but that is Adik....
Yeah back to the belly thingy.... when we reached Kuala Perlis (Home sweet home)after adopting him for 1 month, usually i am literally seafood addict and started all the seafood fiesta what to eat and everthing... that day we decided to get a pile of kerang and haha kerang spree dat afternoon.
As usual when the kerang with the size of by feet thumb (really) we diggin. Adik was there, acting like usuall.... he sniffed and go away... hurm then we finished all the kerang and put it in the bin. When we all watching tv at dat time i heard a fall from the kitchen. We then discovered that the bin already terbalik... and Adik was there.. was about to run.. Of course we discovered that Adik was licking the soup of the kerang and started to get the worms i suspected out of his digestion system... then we took him to the vet finally for him dewormed... then he became kurus.. for a while laa, then he became real life Garfield, the flabby stomach... spoilt attitude and demanding. Thanks to my mom and dad.. hurm but still i hart him...... wait i will put his picture when i have the time to do so ahhh...
Adik is the Jewel of the family. He was picked up by my brother at my mum's workplace in Sg Buloh because his mother rejected him. Why? Because some fools took him away for about 2 days from the mother and siblings and she do not recognized him anymore.
He is skinny when we found him, but what puzzeled me is that why his belly was so big at dat time. I told my mom he maybe has some worm problem. However, we didnt manage to get him to the vet because my mom thinks that he is really healthy...hurm.. maybe this problem was camoufludged with his extra active attitude.
Because my mom jus workin in Sg Buloh, we often travel back to Perlis when necessary... my dad and my older brother still there...its complicated, what i am trying to say despite that, i found out that Adik really enjoy travelling in the car... he get excited and restless. not scared yea? but once in 2 hours we have to stop at the RnR because he need to walk freely.... haha..
He has this weird perangai... likes to s…
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