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   « Back To Listing Lucy + Her 7 - 1 Cute Puppies!
Lucy + Her 7 - 1 Cute Puppies! - Mixed Breed Dog
For Adoption
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 15 Years 7 Months
Amount7 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationKl, Kuala Lumpur
Posted5 Apr 2011 (Updated 1 Jun 2011)
Adoption FeeFREE
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This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Lucy is a stray female dog I rescued near Kuchai Lama. She is about 1-2 years old. She was very skinny and seemed lost. I wanted to send her to the vet to be spayed but unfortunately, she was already pregnant. She is currently at the vet and will be there until she gives birth. I will bear all the charges for her medical fees and whatever cost at the vet. I also plan to vaccinate and have her neutered when the time is right. I hope to find a good home for her and her future pups. Vet said she cannot be spayed until at least 1 month after she gives birth. Lucy is very good natured, friendly, affectionate and smart. She loves people. She understands "sit" after a few attempts and without much training. I believe she has lots of potential and will be a very good companion dog. Please contact me directlyor contact me via email, if you wish to adopt her or any of her future pups. I sincerely believe she deserves a chance and a loving home. Thanks.

If you are planning to adopt any mixed breed (local breed) dogs. Please, please, please be a responsible dog owner and neuter or spay them as soon as they are old enough to undergo the procedure when they are 4 months or older. There are too many unwanted strays and puppies out there and most do not get a chance in life and are put down. Local dogs are also very resilient and intelligent and they will guard your house well. But please do not chain or cage them unnecessary for a long periods of time as all dogs need to be able to move around and have their exercise. If you love them, they will love you back even more.

UPDATE 10 May 2011: Lucy has just given birth to 7 puppies 2 days ago. They are all up for adoption. She has 6 brown/tan cute puppies (like the color of their mommy) and 1 adorable white (female) one. There are 5 female puppies and 2 male puppies in total.

Vet said she can offer a special price for spaying/neutering if you are willing to bring the puppy back to her clinic for the procedure. If you are hesitant to adopt a female puppy or unsure about the cost of spaying, please feel free to contact me and we can discuss or work something out together. Please do not hesitate to inquire if you need more information.

You can "book" the puppies now if you are really interested. They can be adopted once they are weaned from their mommy at about 6-8 weeks. These puppies need a loving and caring home. If you would like to adopt a loving pet into your home, please consider these puppies. Thanks!

UPDATE 12 MAY 2011: A very kind lady with her son in Puchong would love to adopt 1 puppy.

UPDATE 14 MAY 2011: A kind lady and her friend would like to adopt 2 puppies.

UPDATE 15 May 2011: Vet said Lucy is taking care of her puppies very well. She is a very good mommy. On closer oservation, there are 2 dark coffee colored puppies, 2 latte puppies, 2 tan puppies (like their mommy) and 1 white puppy. The tiniest puppy of the lot (tan) is also a female.

UPDATE 26 MAY 2011: Puppies are about 18 days old now and their eyes are opened already :) Very cute and chubby! One sad news, vet called today to inform me that the tiniest one has passed away. She did not make it because she was wounded unintentionally by one of her siblings, too weak and didn't really want to nurse. My heart aches to know this but at least the consolation is that she did not suffer much and has now joined other beloved pets at 'rainbow bridge'. Farewell little miss tiny.

UPDATE 31 MAY 2011: Lucy and her puppies are still at the vet's clinic. Lucy is not trained but I believe she is smart enough and has a lot of potential. Some people have asked what kind of "mixed breed" Lucy and her pups are. Lucy is actually a local dog (the common kind) and her size is slightly smaller than a medium framed dog. Since I am unsure about the pups' father, I would assume it was another local dog as well. If you would like more information, please contact me directly. Thanks.
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Lucy is a very good and caring mommy
Lucy is a very good and caring mommy

the second tan cutie
the second tan cutie

dark coffee cutie
dark coffee cutie

very special & tiniest of the lot tan cutie - female (went to doggie heaven on 25 May)
very special & tiniest of the lot tan cutie - female (went to doggie heaven on 25 May)

white cutie - female
white cutie - female

white cutie - female
white cutie - female

all 7 of them (see the tiny one hiding under mommy?)
all 7 of them (see the tiny one hiding under mommy?)

mommy's milk is the best!
mommy's milk is the best!

one of the latte colored puppies
one of the latte colored puppies

Lucy loves her pups :)
Lucy loves her pups :)

i'm dreaming of mommy's milk!
i'm dreaming of mommy's milk!

mommy's milk is the best!
mommy's milk is the best!

ah, found another pillow
ah, found another pillow

let's cuddle together
let's cuddle together

we need lots of sleep
we need lots of sleep


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mmMmMm...our towel is soft and comfy...
mmMmMm...our towel is soft and comfy...

mommy is looking after us very well!
mommy is looking after us very well!

miss tiny and her siblings
miss tiny and her siblings

in puppy dreamland
in puppy dreamland

this pillow is super comfy!
this pillow is super comfy!

and more snoozing :)
and more snoozing :)

we love snoozing...
we love snoozing...

they are all super cute!
they are all super cute!

Lucy and her puppies
Lucy and her puppies

introducing Lucy's puppies!
introducing Lucy's puppies!

please adopt me! i'll be your loyal friend forever...
please adopt me! i'll be your loyal friend forever...

i'm very friendly...
i'm very friendly...

i love people!
i love people!

Hello i'm Lucy :) Could you please give me a home? Pretty please?
Hello i'm Lucy :) Could you please give me a home? Pretty please?

Share your comments here1 Comment
Danya   Dec 29th 2012 at 12:21AM

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