Saffron was adopted in December 2009. She has a somewhat tragic story with a happy ending. Saffron was abandoned by her owners at a vet clinic when she was very sick. The staff there reckon she had been poisoned. They don't really know much about her since she was abandoned, but they judged her to be about a year old. She also has a bad hip, which the vet there said could have been due to an injury that did not heal right.
Sometimes her leg gives out a bit from under her and she trips/slips when she runs. This does not stop her though and I have never seen a more happy and playful kitty. I have a suspicion she was kept in a tiny cage all her life because she walked funny for the first few weeks I had her. After a few weeks of freedom to roam around the house she got more dexterous and after a month or so she even was able to jump up on the bed! She still can't jump any higher than a chair now and it's been over a year since I got her but I think she's happy.
She is the happiest, clumsiest and most playful cat I own. She is an absolute joy and has worked her way into the hearts of my family.