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Lost in Taman Bukit Kuchai, Puchong, Selangor
Miki Mao, 10 Yrs

Lost in Ipoh
Poodle, 16 Yrs

Leo - Bullmastiff Dog
In Heaven
ProfileMale, 12 Years 2 Months
BodyLarge Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Cream
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted5 Sep 2008 (Updated 10 Jan 2011)
Healthy and docile dog. Friendly with both humans and dogs. Maybe a little clumsy (stepping on people's feet or on smaller dogs who are sleeping...) so if you have a very fierce dog at home.. Think twice because Leo gets bullied (yes, even by smaller dogs - he yowls and turns away when attacked - not agressive AT ALL.)

REASON FOR GIVING AWAY: Too many dogs to handle and not enough hands. Flamers stay away unless you can give some good suggestion to assist my situation. Saying "It's a pity people only like them when they are young and cute and not when they are matured and boring" etc is unjustified when you do not know the real situation I am facing. You are not I - how would you know what I'm going through? No justification will be given unless you are a serious adopter and not a mere commenter. You want the dog? No fees charged, healthy and fit dogs given. So adopt them or pass over.
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*Happy happy*
*Happy happy*

I'm SERIOUS.....
I'm SERIOUS.....

Don't be scared of me.. I'm likle your grandpa.. NIce and cuddly =)
Don't be scared of me.. I'm likle your grandpa.. NIce and cuddly =)

Let's be pals... Shake hands?
Let's be pals... Shake hands?

I'm Leo!
I'm Leo!


I scared of Chyna... Always bite me >______<
I scared of Chyna... Always bite me >______<

Leo - Bullmastiff Dog

Don't kacau me... zzzZzzzz
Don't kacau me... zzzZzzzz

Leo - Bullmastiff Dog

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Page: 1 2    23 Comments
Nicoleloveanimals   Sep 7th 2008 at 2:59PM
Tht's right too from all the comments,Poh Ching Choo...
When your dog was young, his funny action and behaviour had brought you lot of laughters, wasn't it? When you're alone and feel bored after coming back from work, who wagged its tail and welcomed you the most? Ain't you already forgot it? As it get older, is our turn to take care on him til his end, this is the time he needs you the most, you could not just give up on him in this way, hope you pls reconsider your decision. How long it takes for you to take care for such a defenceless dog again?! Let's assume for max 2 years, not a long period right. Be patient, you can go through this period, just accept it. When your dog reachs its end, he needs your companion as well, put him in a comfortable basket and a warm blanket, pamper him, take along the toys and treats he likes the most and put beside, tht's enough. He would appreciate enough.
Pls pls reconsider.
Now you like your puppy very much, have you ever thought of it will also turns into a condition like his elder (the one you intended to giving away), so at tht time, you want to giving away him as well?!
Jacqueline   Sep 13th 2008 at 3:54AM
Wow... what a story, I am tearing as i see all the comment flying around. It is indead a emotional task as we go ard picking up stray, fostering them and rehome for them, at time they just really bring joy and some time sadness down to the bottom. Love is to give, appreciate your hard decision for Leo, I believe it is not even easy for you to come to petfinder. I do pray for Leo to have a better living condition in due time.

People... this world still have hope because i know there a lots of people who care in petfinder
FerretSoldier   Sep 19th 2008 at 5:08PM
hello, can you post more pics of leo? doesnt look extra large to me? the picture is not enough to see what he's like clearly.
julietskling   Sep 25th 2008 at 12:39PM
I do understand you feeling. Taking in dogs, caring for them is a huge thing. I too found a Shih Tzu, i guess the owner throw her away because she is old. I was so connected to her even i just feed her a few times but i am unable to keep her due to space issue. thank god i found a lady that would take her in. I do hope and pray that Leo will find a good home. I am sure that Leo understand the situation. All the best.
vivi   Oct 11th 2008 at 6:41PM
Good Luck to u. I do understand ur circumstances. Don give up. I hope Leo will find a suitable home soon.
wongpuichan   Oct 15th 2008 at 3:59PM
Hi,im interesting about ur poor dog.I live in Tajong Sepat and can offer big place give ur dog live.but he bite people?If we want to meet, what place we meet?
foxtress81   Oct 22nd 2008 at 9:34AM
I think its just sick that people would adore their pets when they are young and cute. but when they get older and face other complications, u think its time for you to give him away. Irresponsible owners shouldnt even bother getting dogs in the first place.

Ferret Soldier- yes, of course he is extra large. Dogs from the mastiff family are huge buggers with the BEST temperament ever!!!
Sashy   Dec 7th 2008 at 10:52PM
I know where you are coming from, as my aged dog had a lot of the 'old human' problems as well.. arthritis, blur, picky .. :) you name it he had it. Fortunately he was a small dog and easy to pick up to clean and all that. Wish you well to get a new home for your dog, just bear in mind not a lot of people will be able to have to devotion to care so much for something they havent been with for a long time
altus1314   Jan 18th 2009 at 1:28AM
i suggest you keep it till it pass away.At my house i am feeding a dog that's 15 years old!Leo will very sad if change owner.
queen3211   Apr 3rd 2009 at 8:48AM
I am glad you have decided to keep him. I wonder which one of you is luckier.....I personally think its the owner.
stephanietsl   Dec 25th 2009 at 5:23PM
He says,"how could you?"...
You says,"I'm sorry...."
ken888   Dec 26th 2009 at 1:28PM
shecapricornyahoocom   Dec 26th 2009 at 2:23PM
stephanietsl: LOL.. Yeah, I am sorry but I really have my hands full now. Many ppl said to me (not from here) they say "How could you? The dog been with you so long bla bla" then I say, "Put urself in my shoes and then only comment." Then they shaddup cuz they themselves either dun hv pets, or only feeding the "neighbourhood dog" (ie: the local stray dog) -_______-" I say "Adopt that stray dog la poor thing running around getting hit by cars" they say "Kenot jaga la... I got "commitments"... I also dunno how you can handle 3 dogs " lol
stephanietsl   Dec 26th 2009 at 3:37PM
Understandable. A friend of mine, her mum to be specific... took up 30 stray dogs under her roof and care, and even unconditionally feed up to 50 dogs at the markets nearby her home, everyday. It's a karma, a good deeds as her mum said. Respect her mum for that.

Even, I having one pet with allergies and sick, I half way dead, imagine having more than one?

However, since your dogs the "timing" might around the corner... better company them till that time despite that you have other commitment and all... we wouldn't know after the dog be pass over to another owner, and his time just end there right? Just a suggestion :)

He knows the reason WHY SHOULD YOU and knows YOU ARE SORRY... but... company him till he's gone k?
JoeeJoe   Dec 26th 2009 at 10:40PM
r u afraid of seeing ur dog pass away??
ur putting chyna up for adoption 2...both of ur dogs r old....n the time for them to go to heaven is nearly there.....ur letting them go just when they need u most to be with them? how could u?! if u wont care for ur dog until they go, u dont deserve the joy they brought u........
shecapricornyahoocom   Dec 27th 2009 at 1:57PM
AHEM guys...
I mentioned HEALTHY DOGS.. Not WEAK or SICK.. No doubt they are old, but they are definitely NOT passing away anytime soon, they are in fit condition (XDDD). I expect them to live until about 17 years and beyond XD Don;t believe how fit they are can come my house visit *wink wink*

They mellowed down due to maturity (can think better, behave better - not because they get more lethargic).

You can still take Chyna go cycling and jogging up Bkt Kiara and she (Bullmastiff different la lol but he's still hale and hearty, can chase after food -___-") can run (faster then me? Or maybe I'm slow hahahaha).

OLD don't mean UNHEALTHY or ABOUT TO KICK THE BUCKET! And the reason I'm giving them away is NOT because of OLD AGE zzzzz.
jesscinta   Feb 4th 2010 at 12:58AM
you should defineatly keep this dog. 14 years? WORTH keeping.
shecapricornyahoocom   Feb 4th 2010 at 6:30PM
jesscinta: He is, but the thing is its hard for me to take care of 3 dogs - too many to handle and I have my own hectic life to handle too, being a student and working part-time - I am tired!
chsoon511300   Dec 1st 2010 at 6:08PM
i like leo.......shecapricorn..Petaling Jaya wher???
vivi   Jan 25th 2011 at 4:14PM
MAy god bless Leo in heaven.

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