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   « Back To Listing Ahmad Albab
Ahmad Albab - Domestic Short Hair Cat
Owner's Pet
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 17 Years 1 Month
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBrown, Golden
LocationBukit Jalil, Selangor
Posted2 Sep 2008 (Updated 6 Oct 2008)
3. Orang Striped Male - 3-4 months
Name : Ahmad Albab - Short Name : Albab
very strong markings and stripes on him...will grow into a very handsome
cat, he is partially blind but he can take care of himself... very manja, loves
ppl to manja him, stroke him....
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cantek kan bulu ku....
cantek kan bulu ku....

Ahmad Albab - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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Share your comments here15 Comments
FilinALee   Sep 8th 2008 at 12:02AM
hello...albab is still available for adoption... it seems that the feed back i received for albab is abit dis-heartening..

most of them said that he doesnt look gud... not cute enuff and bla bla...truthfully...looks doesnt matter...once u really take care of them they will transform into great looking cats...

i personally have an experience in dat... sylvester used to look like albab when i first took him... juz look t him now... a major difference...!!!! please..please..please people... don't judge a book by its cover ok....

juz my 2 cents....
echa26   Sep 8th 2008 at 5:46PM
he is skinny... but strays are always like that... its how we treated them.... well peole also need some grooming... i am intersted... we a looking for one...
lynielime   Sep 8th 2008 at 9:06PM
You're adorable ALBAB!
echa26   Sep 11th 2008 at 10:34AM
that is true...he is adorable...
FilinALee   Sep 11th 2008 at 5:28PM
hye cichleo.. thanks for the kind words... r u really2 interested? pls sms or call me ok.. my number is...i need to interview u first....

sorry but i'm juzt particular about albab.. thats all... not wanting him to fall into the wrong hands... coz as i stated before he's partially blind... there's no extra care needed as he knows where the food n drink plus litter box are.. hope to hear from u soon...
thanx lynie... he is adorable.. always following me around.....
cerz   Sep 18th 2008 at 2:32PM
lots of tender loving care will transform him into a super handsome prince esp with high grade cat food like acana kitten, Royal canine - u'l see the difference in 2 weeks!

btw, how would u know he's partially blind? is it due to his tearing? does he have flu? cuz he's eyes does look clear to me. it may be for temporary reasons like flu, etc. sry cant adopt him as im also in rescue like u.i just rescued one exactly like albah. but with all good food, vitamins, etc, u can see from my post tht he's very beautiful ald. good job ur doin! all the best!
FilinALee   Sep 19th 2008 at 1:42PM
thanx cerz.. at the moment feeding him with blackwood. but he's still thin.. i think i need to send him for another round of deworming...he eats alot but has not put on weight.

no flu or tears.. initially when we brought him home he was so vocal..so noisy... he mewwed day n night until he lost his voice which was when he finally shut up... ahahahah...when we feed him, he doesnt even know the food is in front of him... he had to step into the plate then realized that it was his food..!~when he poo or pee also the same.. he had to sniff around n pawing things....

he used to bang into walls n especially doors..he juz simply walk oni.... ahahahha.... kesian him actually...

if u notice cats's eyes will be smaller during the day time n big during nite time, but his eyes is always big... even the vet said his partially blind...

now he's better at looking for food n litterbox.. he knows where everything is...even my bed... eheh... he always have fun at home with the other kitties... only chiko my other kitten loves to bully him... kesian him... i always scold chiko... ehehhe.. u should see them together.... :)
cerz   Sep 19th 2008 at 4:41PM
wah, blackwood is really good. yes, some kittens are like dat. they dun put on weight even if they eat alot till a certain age(around 4-5 months most of the time) they suddenly shoot up like pop corn. so u dun need to worry much. i had few kittens too that were partially blind like urs. cant see very well and uses their other senses to get to things.. not so sure if they will recover later cuz its possible too according to the vet. but mind was due to the antibiotics. so they got adopted even tho. =)
sarahseben   Sep 20th 2008 at 11:46AM
Checked out mr ahmad here..aawwwww..comel...
ni yang geram ni..nyum nyum
Vee20   Oct 4th 2008 at 2:51AM
Has Albab been adopted yet or is the fella still with you? How about uploading some new pictures, just as an update measure? I'm sure the people would love to see how the lad is doing. I had a kitten that was partially blind too. She used to have tiny, sharp eyes and had a lot of trouble locating stuff and moving around. But now she's all grown up, practically queen of the house. And she has the most beautiful big goo-goo eyes ever :) One can never judge now, Albab can change into a really handsome fella overtime. I really hope he gets adopted to a loving home soon. Good luck to you!
FilinALee   Oct 6th 2008 at 5:15PM
thanx vee for the comments... at the moment he's not for adoption anymore... i will be keeping him.. got too attached to the fella already... eheheh...furthermore there was no one who is interested in him...

anyway now he's not that ok.. he broke his leg coz one of my bf's sis or bro reversed the car n not noticing he was underneath the car...luckily he escaped unhurt.. the first few days he couldnt get up at all... now he's walking aboutbut limping...at the moment we are just putting the gamat oil on his leg...pls paray for his full recovery...
Vee20   Oct 22nd 2008 at 2:51AM
He injured himself? How's his recovery coming along? And it's a good thing you decided to keep him. Cats can get very attached to their owners. And seeing that Albab's growing up, it may not be easy getting him adjusted to new homes. Why not take him to the vet, just as a precaution?
FilinALee   Oct 22nd 2008 at 1:44PM
thanx vee for updating on him.. now albab is as good as new.. he can run. climb, prance around like nuthing ever happened before... yea.. he is vey attached to me...alway sleeping in my arms at nite... eheheheh
fia86   Jan 21st 2009 at 9:37AM
hehe nice name.. ahmad albab... (^_^)

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