Hello Everyone,
At the moment now at home, I'm fostering 3 cute kitties. The first 2 was found by my bf. They were abondoned at the side of a big n wide drain... Luckily he saw them n took them in if not they would have fell into the drain n drown..... The third kitty came to the house by himself i guess, if not, someone had dumped him there...
All are toilet-trained, know how to use the litter-box, all are also dewormed.
No adoption fees - absolutely free
terms and condition : I can always visit them, give TLC..... ;)
Here they are :
1. Male tabby - 1.5 Months old
Name : Gemook a.k.a Gemu, Pogie ( Can change their names if u want to )
Very fat, mischevious, notty, cute kitten, the coloring on him is nice as well
Are you seeking adopters for one kitten only, or for all 3? If all 3, you can specify the amount as 3 in the pet profile.
Please upload photos for the kittens as well. Good luck in your search for adopters!