i'm looking for a new owner for my cat b'coz i'm not able to take care of kiki in a small flat anymore..it is not a proper place for him to playing around.i had no one to take care of him while i'm working or outstation..anyone interested can contact me.. i realy really love him so much..whoever going to be his new owner please promise to be a good one..i meant it!
kiki still available..since there is so many requests, for those who interested to adopt him i need all your particular and background information to make sure that kiki goes to a very good owner..please email me all this detail ():- name: age: your job: contact no: place that u currently stay (apartment/house + area): where do u plan to keep him (in a cage or in a house/outside the house): are u willing to pay the fees??: do you have any other pets??(what kind of pet+how many):
to all viewers..i'm still in discussion with my housemate to decide who should be the owner for all my cats..rite now i cannot confirm yet whether they are available or not. for those who still interested can email to me your particulars that i've mentioned before..thank you.