This is Pires, he's always with Rossa. One thing about him is he likes to sit and stay in the cage. Happened before that I forgot to put him in the cage, he start mengiauw sampai I terjaga! Kena pukul punggung sekali! Haha...
did u get it from a breeder???? coz he doesnt looks like maine coon..must be persian cross...coz my fren had main coons....and they are huge and the body pon..lain....and to get a baby maine coon..the cheapest is RM.2.5K. i wish to have one...
hi fia! cantik kucing nih..cuma tang breed tu sekali tgk cam persian jer..pastu cuba gak cari2 tang mana yg nampak cam mainecoon tu..tak jumpa2.mungkin banyak jenis mainecoon kot..aku pun tak pandai sangat.kat mana hang beli ni? breeder mana? sebab aku ada beli mainecoon gak kat breeder gak..mana tau kucing kita sedara ker..hehe..