this is nmpk mcm maine coon mix...anyway..where u get ur babies from??? u know rite i lost cutie pie :( now i got two Siberian cross maine coon..but they are so unfriendly...very timid and when i got them..they are susah nak train laa...they never get attach to human..dats why owner jual kot...but i never give up on them..both so garang...
Hi Myra : Siberian are garang and wild jugak sebenarnya. The best is try to spend more time dgn diorg. My Mika pun timid jugak dulu. Selalu lari keluar and menyorok bwh longkang. But when Miki ada, which Miki is very manja and mendengar kata, barulah Mika feels like I'm not a 'threat' to him. Then I stroke his badan. Play with him. Lama2 dia baru ok. It takes time la. Good luck k. :-)