Hunger was my everyday enemy. Every morning I check my trademark smile in the mirror, put on my best suit (black) and start work at the break of dawn, pacing up and down that familiar road hoping that someone might spare me some of their breakfast leftovers. I really admire Mr Darlie, he's my idol. He's really successful.
As a new dog rescuer, I was still very happy for just successfully found a home for my big black pitbull-mongrel-mix (Sean Black )And there I spot this scrawny little fella pacing up and down the street where my factory is. I whistled for his attention and put some kibbles on a piece of old newspaper. He chomped up everything within a few seconds and proceeded to drink from an old bucket someone left near the rubbish dump. The next few mornings I saw him following every passer-by who has a packet of food in their hand. He puts on his best smile and wags his tail as hard as he can, hoping that someone will give him some scraps to fill his stomach.
I continue to leave kibbles for him and he will finish up everything within a few seconds. He's the skinniest dog I've seen and I felt heartache seeing such a happy and wonderful creature so skinny. It really touched me when he came to my front door and peeped at me although I have only fed him a few times. I think he likes me,… haha. I decided to abduct him that evening and now he's temporarily staying at the yard of an unoccupied house. I really hope that he will get a good owner/home.
Guinness is a young and active adult male, about a year old. His fur is predominantly black, with a layer of ivory colour undercoat. A very attentive dog with pointy ears like a doberman, can easily be trained into a good guard dog. A naturally happy and good nature dog, suitable for both families and singles.
Once you have warmed up with him, he is playful and loves attention from you! He gets along with other dogs as well. We have taught him sit and stay. He is willing to pick up more doggie tricks if you could spare some time to train him.
If you would like to share your home with Guinness please call Sam at.
* Guiness is not photogenic as this is a common with black dogs. Come view him if you are interested!*