miko's new girlfrend.
Super super superrrrrr gediks.haha..
darling suke gesel. pantang tgk kaki org gesel, selalu berebut2 dgn dia tuk masuk bilik(sb bilik tido kami diorg xleh msuk)
but, i guess she managed to break the rules.
quite a big talker..
but, the super super good thing bout her is that she..never mind at all at anything happened/change around her. when i first took her home, it was like she had return to her long lost home.haha...
Miko likes her. tp mcm biase miko yg x gentleman dgn pompuan suka gigit2 even in their first dating..sbtu kot darling mcm jual mahal sket..tp dia xkesah kena slap or diwrestling oleh miko, she just slap him back...at last, miko mengalah.padan muka budak nakal.
she is like our lil kid, we have to stroke her first when we see her, after that she wont be too gediks demanding us to stroke her..always ajak kami duduk atas sofa utk gosok dia..kalau xlayan satu rumah ikot. nk bejalan pon payah tkot terpijak dia..
she is not so hard to take care of. hope she will be a good friend to miko as well as she is to us.