This 4 beautiful kittens were born on the 6 of december. We have 3 boys and 1 girl. They will be ready for adoption in 2-3 weeks time. Feel free to contact me on . Thanks. Raisa P.S. 2 male kittens left for adoption.
Whenever I saw a stray female cats, I had very hard time try to catch them and kembiri her. Because I always believe this is the best way to avoid overpopulation of kittens and cause tiredness of your female cat. So, I hope you able give the best to your kucing tersayang.
Hello Jade, First of all, my kittens are not stray... And I will make sure I give them to the good persons that will take care of them. Second, this is my cats first pregnancy, so I gave her a chance to be a mom. I am going to spay her in the future, dont worry. Thanks:)
the black is my choice but due to the interest shown for this kitten i had to cancel my intention to adopt. hope they all will be love and care well. thank you.
Raisa, is the white grey girl kitten confirmed to be taken by the person who booked it? i really like her and want to let her be my cimpuk's partner. is there any chance?
he has shot curly tail