Siberian Husky (Male) with MKA cert
Champion lineage
7 weeks old
Vaccinated & dewormed
RM2000 ( Negotiable )
Siberian Huskies are loving, gentle, playful, happy-go-lucky dogs who are fond of their families. Keen, docile, social, relaxed and rather casual. This is a high energy dog, especially when young. Good with children, they are not watchdogs, for they bark little and love everyone. Huskies are very intelligent and trainable
The Siberian Husky is a comparatively easy dog to care for. He is by nature fastidiously clean and is typically free from body odor and parasites. Siberians clean themselves like cats. In fact, a Siberian that becomes soiled with mud will clean himself up. Therefore, bathing requirements are minimal. In fact, most owners bathe their dogs once per year or less.