Found him under my yard shrubs one day together with his brothers and sisters unfortunately 1 died before i could get to it. He was only a day old when i found him with the cord still attached to him with peeps and mustache. his old name was Eskimo because of his round chubby face CX sorry eskimoers. Peeps died after a week due to lack of mothers heat and mustache died after a month from complications to his growth.
Eskimo got the name speedy from how fast he would run just to get to the yard even though my entire family will be standing guard by the door preventing him to.
After 3 weeks Snowy gave birth and fostered speedy to this day :)
Update: 8th August 2021. It's been a month since we last saw him. He was getting old, and tired. His disease was just taking too much of a toll on him. I always hoped he returned, but I know he didn't want to hurt us by dying in a visible space. I'm sorry Speedy, I really wished I took better care of you.