seperti biasa minor injury untuk stray kitten adalah: 1) diarrhea 2) ear mites 3) fleas 4) i think her butt have little wound 5) worm- because of her perut buncit (need to bring to vet for deworm)
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
I will keep Smokey until her diarrhea healed. And I will bring her to vet for deworm also. So Smokey will only available after next week.
Your name will be stated in Booking list. Will contact you back by latest next week if the person who want her now change the decision.
Many thanks again for the interest. (^_^)/
Hi all,
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
Few persons contacting me via email and phone. For Aida, Zam, Bryan, Nurul and Mira thanks for your email. I really appreciate your interest. I can't remember 3 persons that called me yesterday but anyway, thanks to you guys too.
I am interested to adopt the kitten.Would appreciate if you could consider me in the booking list as well.I am staying in Petaling Jaya.Thank you in advanced.
I received new emails from few persons who interested with this little cute Smokey. hani(lobak oren), Juliana, Tajudin, Zulhilmi, Atikah, Mas Ayu, Salmi and Salim... thank you for your email, am sorry for not able to reply your email. Just to let you know that I will put your names in the waiting list.
Many thanks again! Smokey must be really happy if she could know that so many generous hearts out there love to adopt her. (^_^)/
I received new emails from few persons who interested with this little cute Smokey. hani(lobak oren), Juliana, Tajudin, Zulhilmi, Atikah, Mas Ayu, Salmi and Salim... thank you for your email, am sorry for not able to reply your email. Jus… show more
I received new emails from few persons who interested with this little cute Smokey. hani(lobak oren), Juliana, Tajudin, Zulhilmi, Atikah, Mas Ayu, Salmi and Salim... thank you for your email, am sorry for not able to reply your email. Jus… show more
I received new emails from few persons who interested with this little cute Smokey. hani(lobak oren), Juliana, Tajudin, Zulhilmi, Atikah, Mas Ayu, Salmi and Salim... thank you for your email, am sorry for not able to reply your email. Jus… show more
I received new emails from few persons who interested with this little cute Smokey. hani(lobak oren), Juliana, Tajudin, Zulhilmi, Atikah, Mas Ayu, Salmi and Salim... thank you for your email, am sorry for not able to reply your email. Jus… show more
I received new emails from few persons who interested with this little cute Smokey. hani(lobak oren), Juliana, Tajudin, Zulhilmi, Atikah, Mas Ayu, Salmi and Salim... thank you for your email, am sorry for not able to reply your email. Jus… show more
I received new emails from few persons who interested with this little cute Smokey. hani(lobak oren), Juliana, Tajudin, Zulhilmi, Atikah, Mas Ayu, Salmi and Salim... thank you for your email, am sorry for not able to reply your email. Jus… show more
Saya kenal lagi akak! akak penah hantar email kat saya untuk adopt baby cat ni dulu, sangat2 tak boleh lupa. Unfortunately kucing ni dah ada tuan dia. Saya update gambar latest dia, and she is really adorable.
Kalau kak zurita berminat dengan kucing lain, kawan saya ada jumpa 3 ekor kitten yang ornag buang. Tak macam ni, tapi belang2 dan ada sock juga. cute sangat! kalau berminat, nanti saya postkan gambar ya..
Salam Zurita,
Saya kenal lagi akak! akak penah hantar email kat saya untuk adopt baby cat ni dulu, sangat2 tak boleh lupa. Unfortunately kucing ni dah ada tuan dia. Saya update gambar latest dia, and she is really adorable.
Saya kenal lagi akak! akak penah hantar email kat saya untuk adopt baby cat ni dulu, sangat2 tak boleh lupa. Unfortunately kucing ni dah ada tuan dia. Saya update gambar latest dia, and she is really adorable.